Davis, Machado, Tillman and Showalter after 8-2 11-inning win

WASHINGTON - The Orioles tied the club record tonight by scoring six runs in an extra inning, the fourth time it's happened, according to STATS.

It felt like just another night of baseball for this group. Or an episode of "Survivor."

Chris Davis broke a 2-for-38 slump with a two-run homer in the top of the 11th off Nationals reliever Craig Stammen, and the Orioles piled on to take an 8-2 victory before 35,126.

davis-wink-sidebar.png"I said earlier today I feel like for the last month I've been one swing away," Davis said. "I've done everything I can to get here early and hit off the tee, look at video, hit early BP if I can. It was just a combination of things. The pitch I fouled off, I was like, 'Wow, I actually stayed through on that.' He made some tough pitches, some close pitches. I was just able to hang in there.

"When we stopped them the inning before, I knew the next inning I was coming up. And with Nelson (Cruz) being as hot as he is, I just kind of thought to myself this is my chance to redeem myself. I've been doing everything I can. I want to be the player I know I can be for these guys. I know it will be huge for this team if I can step up and start swinging a little bit. So, it was definitely good to come through right there.

"Nobody likes to struggle, but at the same time I try to keep a positive mind frame. If you sit there and dwell on how bad you're scuffling, it's going to be hard to get out of it. I've scuffled before and all you can do is work and trust that the results will be there."

What does it say about the Orioles that they've played 41 innings the last three days and continue to win?

"Resilient," Davis said. "We've got a lot of guys who work really hard in here to make sure they're ready every day. You've seen that really the last few games, guys go in there day in and day out. With the doubleheader on Saturday and the extra innings yesterday and again today, they stepped up big. And we were able to hang in there and get the win."

According to ESPN Stats and Info, Manny Machado, 22, is the youngest Orioles player with five hits in a game since Cal Ripken Jr. in 1982 at age 21.

Machado on whether he's in a groove at the same time as the team
"Definitely, the team's getting in a groove. The pitching staff is doing absolutely great and we're starting to put some hits together. For myself, I definitely feel better at the plate and my confidence is back up and I'm starting to see the ball better, and hopefully we can keep going with this. We've got the second half coming up, so we've got to stay strong and I've got a good feeling about this team. We've just got to keep swinging the bat like we're doing and pitch like we're doing and hopefully we can go far."

On why he hits so well at Nats Park
"Atmosphere I guess. I just see it as another ballpark. It's close to home, so our fans come down here and support us and cheer us on, so I think that's what's helping us out here."

On knowing Davis has big hit in him despite slump
"Of course, he's there. It's there. Everybody goes through a slump. He's going through a tough one right now and it's part of baseball. You've just got to keep grinding like he did. He came up with a big hit in a big situation, and that's who you want at the plate when you've got a big situation like that. We're going to keep grinding and we know he's going to keep grinding. The hits are going come, the homers are going to come. It's just a matter of time."

On playing 15 hours of baseball the last three days
"It's been a lot of baseball. A lot of baseball has been played. We're just going to keep grinding it, keep having fun like we're doing. Take it inning by inning and out by out and just keep grinding it out. It's been a tough couple of days. We've got to put that behind us, like we put today behind us and come out tomorrow hard."

On having a big night against Stephen Strasburg
"You've got one of the best pitchers in the league throwing. We come out there and he had a great game. He pitched a great game, and I got a couple of hits off him. You've got to tip your hat to him. He's one of the best in the game. You've just got to go out there and keep grinding, keep grinding it out. That definitely makes it better."

Chris Tillman registered his fifth quality start in his last six games, allowing two runs over seven innings.

Tillman on his start
"I felt good in the bullpen and I knew if I was able to get going right off the gate I would be OK. My off-speed stuff was there from the get-go, so that helped."

On his at-bats against Strasburg
"I looked awesome, didn't I? Unbelievable. I don't know how anybody hits that guy."

On T.J. McFarland's sacrifice bunt
"That's huge. They were getting on Caleb (Joseph) because he has 2,000 at-bats and he couldn't get a bunt down and McFarland got it down on his first."

On settling down after four-pitch walk to start first inning
"I think it was more of a timing thing. I was a little off. I found it in the bullpen, came down (to the dugout) and sat down for a little bit and it took me four pitches to get on track. I did that all last year, too. The first hitter is always a challenge for me.

More on his outing
"It was good. I felt much better. Stayed on the rubber a little bit longer mechanically and that translated into being able to throw strikes with about every pitch."

On Davis
"It was awesome. He deserves it. He works his butt off. He has been struggling, but as the game goes on you kind of sit there and say, 'Gosh, this guy looks so much better at the plate. He's probably a little frustrated, but he came up with the big hit and it kind of sparked that whole 11th-inning rally. He had been grinding away and what do you do? He put a good swing on a good pitch."

On what it says about Orioles that they won after playing 41 innings the last three days
"You're tired. It's been good, but it's been a tough last couple days. We had the rainout, a doubleheader, and a couple extra inning games, but these guys grind. They'll go up to the plate and put some big at-bats together against some good pitchers. It's always fun to watch."

Manager Buck Showalter said he was happy for Davis, knowing how much the slump has burdened his first baseman.

"He's been beating himself up pretty good," Showalter said. "Anybody out there doesn't have to do it because he's doing it enough on his own. I think everybody on the club really felt good for him, to have that big knock there.

"I thought he had some good at-bats leading up to that (home run). It looked like Chris.

"Just keep grinding. Like we talk about, the baseball gods will let you up. Tonight, he had a big blow for us."

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