The baseball season might be over, but the season for giving is quickly upon us; and in that spirit, the Markakis family will continue their charitable efforts throughout Maryland communities by helping to give area families full and happy Thanksgivings this season.
Nick and Christinia Markakis will join the Maryland Food Bank this Saturday, November 21 from 11:00 a.m. to noon to help distribute frozen Thanksgiving turkeys to pre-registered families in need.
While the Markakises will be the ones giving their time at Grace African Methodist Episcopal Church on 67 Winters Lane in Catonsville this Saturday, you should also feel proud O's fans, as the turkeys were purchased using money donated by Orioles fans.
Remember the 23rd Annual OriolesREACH Food Drive held at Oriole Park earlier this year? If you were one of the kind-hearted O's fan who donated money during one of those days, then you helped purchase the turkeys that Nick and Christina will help distribute this weekend.
Fans donated a record-breaking $31,000 in cash donations and more than 4,000 pounds of food during this year's food drive at OPACY, giving the Maryland Food Bank a plentiful store to work with this holiday season.

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