David Huzzard: Another possible reunion to consider

With the addition of David Carpenter, the return of Casey Janssen from the disabled list and Tanner Roark transferring out of the rotation, the Nationals bullpen might have found some stability. An upgrade would still be a good idea, but it isn't of the urgency that it seemed just a couple weeks ago. On the other hand, the Nationals bench is still depleted due to injuries to starting position players. Danny Espinosa, Clint Robinson, Michael Taylor, and Tyler Moore are now needed for significant at-bats as regulars, and the Nats' pinch-hitting is below average, with the average National League team producing a .214/.282/.307 batting line and the Nationals at .198/.278/.284.

If both batting lines demonstrate anything, it is the pinch-hitting is difficult and no one is good at it, but that doesn't mean a team shouldn't try and improve. Injuries have had an impact on the Nats bench, with bench players thrust into starting roles and players who wouldn't otherwise be on the roster counted on in key pinch-hitting situations. The biggest issue facing the Nationals and the trade for an upgrade to the current starting position players in either left field or at first base is that Jayson Werth and Ryan Zimmerman won't be injured forever. The Nationals need a player that can either play multiple positions, would be a key contributor in future seasons after the Nationals lose players to free agency or is familiar to the organization will accept whatever role the Nationals give him.

The Nationals have already been linked to Ben Zobrist, who can play anywhere on the diamond a team needs him to and can play starting position player innings while giving a different regular a night off every game. The second bill is filled by my personal pipe dream - the pride of Toms River, N.J., Todd Frazier, and while the Reds would be smart to trade their most valuable asset when his value is at its peak, I doubt they'd do that. That leaves the last type of player, and while a reunion with Tyler Clippard has been much discussed, this one could be even more beneficial.

Adam LaRoche is signed to a two year, $25 million contract with the Chicago White Sox and things have not gone according to plan for the White Sox. Instead of fighting for a division title, the White Sox find themselves at the bottom of one of the toughest divisions in baseball, and LaRoche is the perfect trade candidate. LaRoche is a veteran player on a two year deal and unlikely to bring back draft compensation when the contract ends. The best way for the White Sox to get value out of LaRoche, and to get out of his 2016 salary, is to ship him off to a contending team and it just so happens the Nationals have a need for either a first baseman or a left handed bat off the bench.

LaRoche isn't going to like the idea of being a bench bat, but with the uncertainty of Zimmerman and Werth's health, there is likely to be a good chunk of starting time available.Keep in mind that Zimmerman played left field with LaRoche at first base in 2014. It is good to have a starting caliber player ready to go on the bench and not need him than it is to need one and not have him, and with the Nationals' injury history it's likely that they are going to need one. Just think about where the Nationals would be if Espinosa weren't available.

LaRoche makes a lot of sense in a lot of ways, and as much as clubhouse chemistry is debated as being meaningful, LaRoche is familiar with this team and clubhouse. He's been a part of two division-winning baseball teams in D.C. and while it would be a diminished role, it would be nice to see him here. His contributions, whether off the bench or filling in for Zimmerman or Werth, could be key in the stretch run.

David Huzzard blogs about the Nationals at Citizens of Natstown. Follow him on Twitter: @DavidHuzzard. His views appear here as part of MASNsports.com's season-long initiative of welcoming guest bloggers to our pages. All opinions expressed are those of the guest bloggers, who are not employed by MASNsports.com but are just as passionate about their baseball as our regular roster of writers.

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