Game and Hammel updates

Miguel Gonzalez has allowed one run with his name spelled incorrectly on the back of his jersey and one run with the proper spelling. Maybe he should try "Miguel" and see how that works for him. Austin Jackson hit a leadoff home run in the first inning while Gonzalez wore a jersey with "Gonzales" stitched on the back. He changed jerseys in the second inning and the Tigers scored again on Brennan Boesch's double and Jhonnhy Peralta's RBI single. Gonzalez allowed only one run over seven innings in his first major league start against the Angels, so the Tigers have done twice the damage one time through the order. The Orioles stranded three runners in the first two innings. Manager Buck Showalter spent the beginning of his pregame media session discussing Jason Hammel's upcoming knee surgery and the extremely flexible timetable for his return. Hammel is shooting for three to four weeks. "It depends on who you talk to," Showalter said. "I'm not going to throw a wet blanket on that, but you can't really tell until you get in there and see if exactly what you think is there is there." Showalter would be pleased if Hammel returned by the beginning of September, and he'd gladly adjust if it happened sooner. "It's smart for me to plan that way, and if you get your birthday present early ... then you don't have any presents on your birthday," Showalter said, bringing a wave of laughter in the room. "I'd rather look at the worst case, and I think I'll have a better feel for it when Dr. (John) Wilckens gets in there and we see what he found. I'd be surprised if something's different (from the MRIs). "He's actually, I don't want to say upbeat about it, but to get this behind him and to get it ... It's kind of been there in the back of his mind. I see all the work they do to get him ready. He's saying it was feeling as good as it felt all year. We did some PFPs during the workout and he actually took part in them. He was going over to first base going, 'Golly, this is great,' which is the kiss of death."

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