Harper thumb update and P-Nats notes

Nationals top prospect Bryce Harper sat out the last two games of the first half of the South Atlantic League season continuing to nurse his sore left thumb. He originally jammed the thumb during last Sunday's game and has missed four games off and on during the last week as a precautionary measure. Harper will travel to Salisbury, Md., and is expected to play in the South Atlantic League All-Star Game on Tuesday. He batted .330 with 14 home runs and 45 RBIs in 64 games for the Single-A Hagerstown Suns for the first half of the season. Harper is also still expected to participate in the home run derby Tuesday prior to the All-Star game. The Potomac Nationals were rained out for the 10th time this season Sunday and finished the first half at a disappointing 29-40. Destin Hood had 37 RBIs and Steven Souza 35 RBIs in the first half. Hood is on the disabled list with knee inflammation and had to sit out this week's All-Star game. Souza is working on calming down his swing a bit and getting rid of too much movement. He is has shown power potential with nine homers so far, but the average is only in the .220s. The hope is if he can simplify the extra movement, it will allow his swing to be more free flowing.

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Jakubauskas: "My main thing was don't fall down"

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