More morning notes from Sarasota

SARASOTA, Fla. - Catcher Caleb Joseph took wife Brooke to the hospital late last night and manager Buck Showalter is waiting for a baby update.

Joseph was in the original lineup today, but Steve Clevenger got the start behind the plate.

Joseph called Showalter last night to update him.

"He was all excited," Showalter said. "He said, 'At this time tomorrow, I'll be ... ' And I said, 'Don't jinx it. You might have one of those 30-hour labors.'"

Matt_Wieters-sidebar_throwing_out_runner.jpgThe Orioles will play a game on March 14 against a team from Puerto Rico and a B game the following morning on Field 4. Matt Wieters will catch on both days, but he won't try to throw out runners attempting to steal.

Most of the players will come over from minor league camp, but a few of the Orioles' starting pitchers are expected to take the mound.

The Orioles' minor leaguers also will play a team from Canada on March 16 in St. Petersburg, Fla.

The goal for the Orioles is to have Wieters ready to catch five to seven innings on March 17 against the Twins in Sarasota.

"Every report is a little better than the one before," Showalter said.

Showalter summoned eight minor leaguers to the Ed Smith Stadium complex today to assist in rundown drills. The Orioles botched a rundown in the home opener, allowing a run to score, and Showalter vowed to work on it.

J.J. Hardy continues to bat second, but not because he's getting ready to hit in that spot during the regular season.

"Get him more at-bats and get him out of the game quicker," Showalter said. "He won't hit there during the year, most likely."

The Orioles are seeing a knuckleballer for the second time in two games with Steven Wright on the mound today, but Showalter isn't worried about his hitters going into a slump. He used a different lineup against Dickey.

"You may see this guy during the year, so it could be an advantage," Showalter said. "I don't think we're going to go into a month-long Grapefruit League funk and that's the reason. If it is, we've got (bad) hitters."

Norris allows four runs in one inning (updated)
Notes on Joseph, Janish and outfield versatility

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