Orioles down early (we're tied)

The first inning has mostly been kind to Orioles starter Miguel Gonzalez, but not today. Is it a Sunday thing? A daytime thing? Where to place the blame? The Indians scored twice after loading the bases with no outs on two singles sandwiched around a walk. Lonnie Chisenhall and Nick Swisher produced long sacrifice flies - Markakis almost pressing against the fence in right-center field to haul in Swisher's drive. Swisher is 1-for-9 with six strikeouts lifetime against Gonzalez. Gonzalez had allowed one run in the first inning in his eight starts before today's series finale. He's permitted six runs in the second, five in the third and fourth, and four in the fifth and sixth. Manny Machado walked in his first game back after straining his right groin Thursday night. I guess it doesn't hurt to walk (see what I did there?) Before yesterday, the Orioles hadn't been shut out by the Indians since Sept. 27, 2009 - also 9-0 - and not at home since April 3, 2003. Update: The Orioles scored once off Indians starter Trevor Bauer in the second inning. Steve Pearce led off with a looping single into left-center field - maintaining his reputation as a professional hitter - and stole his first base of the season as J.J. Hardy struck out. Jonathan Schoop followed with a soft single into right to score Pearce. Schoop produced his first RBI since May 9, when he had four in a span of three games. Update II: Pearce's second RBI since May 9 tied the game in the bottom of the third. Nelson Cruz doubled with two outs, the ball slamming off the center field fence, and he scored on Pearce's single to left. Cruz knocked the ball out of catcher Carlos Santana's glove. Pearce is 2-for-2 with an RBI and a stolen base. Gonzalez needed only four pitches to complete the top of the third, and he hit Santana leading off the inning.

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O's game blog: It's Gonzalez against Bauer at Camd...

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