Yard Work podcast: Episode 1

At MASN, we love talking baseball. And we love being the best source of news and information for you, the fans.

Part of meeting that demand is developing new ways to deliver baseball content in exciting and interesting formats. So in light of that challenge, we've hopped on board with one of the most popular forms of media.

You guessed it, we've entered the world of podcasts.

Starting today, and every week throughout the 2016 season, you'll be able to download the Yard Work podcast featuring MASNsports.com Orioles beat writer Steve Melewski and editor Brian Eller, serving as narrator. Each podcast will give Orioles fans another way to absorb as much news on the happenings in Birdland as they can.


A big part of this podcast will also involve you guys. Each week, we'll take a look into the comments section of these posts and listen to what you guys have to say. It can be a hot topic debate, burning questions or even suggestions on who you might want to hear as a guest podcaster.

This week, we want to hear from you guys on the perfect Orioles lineup. Assuming everyone is healthy (yes, you may put J.J. Hardy back in the lineup), what lineup do you think gives the Orioles the best chance at winning in 2016? Leave your lineup in the comments section and your thoughts behind it. We'll make sure to read as many as we can and comment on your ideas.

In the meantime, enjoy the inagural episode of Yard Work!

Note: The Yard Work podcast will be recorded each week; therefore, all Orioles records and statistics will be current at time of recording, but may be different when podcast is downloaded. Please don't hold that against us!

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