The latest injury updates on Werth and Zimmerman (updated)

ATLANTA - There was a bit of a scary moment here at Turner Field this afternoon, when a stadium worker named Reuben collapsed with an apparent heart attack. Nationals head trainer Lee Kuntz and training assistant John Hsu rushed to the man's aid and revived him. Word is that Reuben is recovering in a local hospital now. Good on Kuntz and Hsu for rushing to the man's aid. Update: We've been told here in the press box that the man that Kuntz and Hsu revived, Reuben Porras, has passed away at a local hospital. Porras was 61 years old. Condolences to his family. Jayson Werth's left ankle is still pretty swollen after he fouled a ball off the ankle two nights ago, and because he hasn't seen much progress, Werth said he was going to get an X-ray to make sure everything was structurally sound. "Just for fun," Werth said with a chuckle. Werth felt confident the X-ray would come out clean, but since he's not in the Nats' lineup tonight, he said he had nothing better to do. He did some light jogging in the outfield before tonight's game and took some batting practice, but probably won't be available to pinch-hit tonight. Werth feels the ankle is more of an issue than his hamstring, which cramped up in the same game that he injured the ankle. Manager Davey Johnson, however, feels the hammy is the bigger issue to watch long-term, and says he'll be sure not to rush Werth back into action. "I was a little more concerned about his hamstring than his ankle," Johnson said. "A bad bruise on the ankle is something that probably won't get much worse. It's probably hard to run, probably hard to land on. But a tight hamstring you can pull it. You can be out for a couple weeks. And that's something I don't want to take a chance on. "His hamstring loosened up a little bit better. He's been getting treatment on that also. But I don't want him to go down right when Ryan (Zimmerman) comes back. I'm gonna be cautious on that." Meanwhile, Zimmerman (strained left hamstring) will start his rehab assignment tonight, playing in a game with high-A Potomac. He's scheduled to play somewhere around six innings and get two or three at-bats. Assuming all goes well, Zimmerman will take tomorrow off and rejoin the Nats in Pittsburgh on Friday, when he's eligible to come off the disabled list.

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