A few early notes

You can add Rhyne Hughes to the list of position players who reported early. And I know it's Hughes only because someone pointed him out to me. Can't say that I'd recognize him. Hughes, Adam Jones, Felix Pie, Robert Andino, Justin Turner, Blake Davis and Scott Moore are in camp ahead of schedule. Chorye Spoone has been throwing since mid-December and only stopped because of the blizzards. He's in good health again and said he just needs to work on his timing. It will be interesting to track his season in the minors and find out whether he can regain his status as one of the Orioles' top pitching prospects. He's been largely forgotten, but he's still highly regarded within the organization. Dennis Sarfate got in the best line of the morning. After overhearing reporters complain about the chilly temperatures here, which have forced us to unpack our heavier clothing, Sarfate said, "This is the first time I've seen Roch wear a shirt that fits him." Now that's cold.

More early arrivals
Markakis is here

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