Bizarre home run (updated)

The top of the fourth inning will go down as one of the strangest in recent memory. Luke Scott reached first base on an apparent infield hit, but the official scorer here gave Nationals starter Craig Stammen an error. I should have written it down in pencil because it will be changed. No way you can expect the pitcher to field a sharp grounder up the middle. Adam-Jones_White-Running-Tall.jpg With two outs and Scott on third base, Adam Jones sent a long drive to center field. Nyjer Morgan tried to make a leaping catch at the fence, and the ball deflected off his glove while his cap flew off his head. Perhaps thinking that the ball carried over the fence, Morgan slammed his glove to the ground in anger and stood still while Jones rounded the bases and left fielder Josh Willingham rushed over to retrieve the ball on the warning track. Jones slid home with the Orioles' first inside-the-park home run since David Newhan on July 21, 2004 at Fenway Park. Morgan should have hopped the fence and jumped in a cab. Morgan was booed as he ran off the field after the last out. I've never seen anything like it. I wonder if Nats fans will rip manager Jim Riggleman for not benching Morgan. He's standing on the on-deck circle with two outs. Morgan just singled, but that doesn't erase his brain cramp. That's two inside-the-park homers against the Nats in four days. Morgan also was involved in the other one, though it wasn't as comical. It didn't include the kind of spike you normally see from Ray Rice. Update: Bergesen has a 4-3 lead after five innings, but he's also thrown 99 pitches. He won't be around much longer. Nats first base coach Dan Radison was ejected from the game after a heated exchange with umpires. Still no word on why Pudge Rodriguez left the game. He was in pain after swinging at a pitch in his last at-bat. The Orioles have covered their bullpen mound as a light rain falls. However, the Nats' grounds crew isn't stationed behind the tarp.

Bergy to break the century mark (updated twice)
Pace yourself Bergy (updated)

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