Celebrate Babe Ruth's 117th birthday at Sports Legends on Feb. 10

You only turn 117 once - well, you would if you'd have lived that long - so that milestone calls for a celebration of Ruthian proportions. If you're a Baltimore baseball history nut, join like-minded fans at Sports Legends Museum on Friday, Feb. 10 for Babe's Birthday Bash, which will mark the 117th anniversary of Babe Ruth's birth in Baltimore (in the interest of history, please note that the Babe's actual arrival came Feb. 6, 1895, but organizers prefer a Friday night over a Tuesday evening for the party). The ticket price covers admission into Sports Legends, plenty of tasty ballpark food and beverages, a silent auction, a door prize and free parking at Camden Yards. The evening's festivities include the presentation of the Babe Ruth Community Service Award and programs with special VIPs. Tickets purchased in advance cost $45 for museum members and $55 for non-members. Groups of 10 or more get a discount to $40 a person. At the door, it'll cost you $60. And while you're there, consider a membership to Sports Legends and the Babe Ruth Birthplace Museum, two gems dedicated to the preservation of unique sports history you'll be proud to support. All proceeds will benefit the Babe Ruth Birthplace Foundation. For more information, call Whitney Edmonds at 410-727-1539, ext. 3033 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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