Hyde with more on Mateo and Norby on his return to the team

MIAMI – Infielder Jorge Mateo is going to miss “a significant amount of time” according to O’s manager Brandon Hyde. Just how much time and if he will need a surgical procedure, it’s too soon to know.

“It’s going to be awhile,” Hyde said pregame today. “Right now it’s so swollen and sore that they are going to take some time to get the swelling out. And then he’s going to get some second opinions and we’re going to have some other doctors take a look at it. But, it’s going to be a significant amount of time.

“Too soon (to know about a procedure). They have to get the swelling out first and then make a determination.”

Mateo went on the 10-day injured list this morning, retroactive to yesterday, with a left elbow subluxation. Infielder/outfielder Connor Norby was recalled from Triple-A for his second stint this year with the club.

The O’s also today recalled right-hander Bryan Baker, who was just optioned out yesterday. He can return early if replacing an injury player and they optioned Chayce McDermott back to Norfolk after his MLB debut last night.

But McDermott could come back Monday as the 27th player for the Orioles doubleheader at home with Toronto. That would be his next day to pitch and he can return early from being optioned to be the 27th man.

With the O’s slumping and losing 16 of their last 27 games, the team needs to turn it around soon. Hyde said fatigue is not a reason for the poor play.

“That would be an excuse right now for me,” said Hyde. “I mean, if you are Gunnar Henderson you are battling some fatigue, you didn’t have an All-Star break. But we just haven’t played very well. The rest of the league has the same schedule we have and we have to pick it up a little bit.

“We have a bunch of guys right now that are grinding offensively. Our process is good, our work is great. I think we’re in a good place mentally, but when you are not getting the results, you put some stress on yourself, you put some pressure on yourself. And I think we have been going through that for a few weeks.”

I asked Hyde that if things don’t get straightened out soon would an already young team possibly look to get younger and bring up some prospect talent from Norfolk?

“This game is already hard enough. We’re in first place. To get younger, I don’t know. The roster questions are more directed to Mike. Me and Mike have conversations about our roster constantly but we’ll see what happens here at the deadline too. Lot of things could happen this week," he added.

But as the O’s struggle so do the Yankees. And the previously surging Boston is now 1-5 since the All-Star game.

“We’re really fortunate. We have gotten lucky that we are not playing our best baseball and neither are other teams in our division,” said Hyde. “Wish we were playing better so we could extend the lead a little bit right now.”

Hyde said going into last night there was internal thinking that McDermott would be optioned back after that outing as he was today.

“But we have some things coming up, a doubleheader with Toronto. We’re going to need Chayce again. Probably see him soon,” he said.

Again, McDermott could return for Monday’s doubleheader.

In his first chance at the majors in early June, Norby went 3-for-14 in four games and homered in Toronto.

Now he is back, starting today at second base and might get a chance to play a lot in the near future.

What did he learn in his first go around in the majors?

“That I can play here,” he said. “I still think there is another level to me. As crazy as that sounds at times for me. But I think think there is more in the tank. Trying to be as consistent as I can but the biggest thing here is helping us win games. But the biggest I learned is I can play at this level.

“I have felt ready since the first time really. Been looking forward to that (a chance to play a lot) and just stacking ABs from that earlier time. Felt like I’ve done my job in Norfolk in playing well there. And just hoping to continue that here.”

In just those few games earlier, Norby said his comfort level with the club grew each day.

“Yeah for sure,” he said. “I try to forget that first one a little bit. But there was a lot to learn from that and feeling more comfortable in the box, that is what you want. As the games went on and my ABs went on, I felt like it was getting better and better.”

In 80 games with Norfolk this season, Norby has hit .297/.389/.519/.908 with 16 homers and 57 RBIs. In 15 games this month Norby hit .344 with an OPS of 1.037 and five homers for Norfolk.

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