Jones on his struggles and Reimold's departure

Even though Corey Patterson had not yet arrived when the media was allowed in the Orioles clubhouse today, Nolan Reimold was already gone. He was hitting just .205 in 25 games. Not far from where Reimold had his locker, Adam Jones talked about Reimold's departure. "It's kind of sad. Everybody knows the process of getting sent down, you have to go down there and work your way back here. There is no other outlook on it. "I'm just hearing it, wow. Let it sink, in. Wow. That's part of the game, it's all about what you have done for me lately. You have to produce now, it's crazy he got sent down." Jones has his own issues at bat right now, hitting .230-3-7 in 32 games. Jones seemed to take offense when a reporter asked him how his confidence was during this year's offensive struggles. "Confidence has never, ever been a question. I don't like it when people question my confidence. I'm the same player every day. The other team is trying to succeed. "I feel fine up there. The results aren't what everybody wants. It's a tough game, if it was easy everyone would do it. So you just have to play, I'm not conceding nothing to nobody. We're giving all we've got, we're just on the wrong stick right now." Jones says where he hits in the batting order does not matter to him despite a career mark of .291 and OPS of .836 when batting second. "I don't care what stats say. What do stats prove? I don't care where I hit." Jones was asked if Remold's departure sends a message to the rest of the hitters. "It's crazy he got sent down. Letting you know you gotta play, you gotta produce. I tried to talk to Reimold, he was struggling a little bit. He continued to play hard, he hit some balls right at 'em. "He's not the only one that is frustrated in this clubhouse. You gotta go down there and rake Triple-A pitching. Just act like he doesn't belong there, because he doesn't and come back here with a new mentality." Jones has been chasing a lot of pitches, especially curve balls and perhaps conceded a bit today that pitch recognition has been an issue for him. "I swing at a lot of stuff, you know. I've tried to tone it down in the last couple of games and square up balls. I've done it the last couple of games. It's a matter of playing and not trying to do too much. When I try to do too much it shows." Jones is batting second tonight, right after Patterson. At least it gives the club speed again with its leadoff hitter. "It's good to have a leadoff hitter. Our main guy is out. I don't know him, but will meet him today. Hopefully he can be the spark for our lineup that we need."

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