Luke Scott confirms that his season is over

Luke Scott confirmed today that his season is over. He has been placed back on the disabled list after going 0-for-3 last night and he said he will not play anymore in 2011 due a torn labrum in his right shoulder. "Yeah, there is nothing I can do," Scott said. "It will not heal on its own. I've been playing with it since the beginning of May. May 2 is the day it began really throbbing. I battled through it. I'm not helping the team out by going out there and swinging with my bat under water. I've got to do what's best now and try to get ready for next year." Scott was hoping to play three to five days before making a decision on whether or not to shut himself down for the year. Turns out one game was enough. "Last night was a good indicator whether I could catch up to a fastball in the low- to-mid-90s," Scott said. "I did everything I could to get to it and I just couldn't do it. It's just not working. Now comes the next decision, whether to rehab it or have surgery. "I will get a second opinion, just to have two professionals' minds in on it and get all the information possible to make the best decision." He plans to see Dr. James Andrews in Birmingham, Ala., as soon as he can get an appointment and wants to make the decision in a short about of time on whether he will rehab his labrum or have surgery. "Soon as possible," Scott said. "I will gather all the information that I need as quick as I can and then sit down and pray about it. Then find the best course to take." Scott said he thought if he underwent arthroscopic surgery, the recovery would be four to six months. He was not sure how the long the rehab process would take, if he decides to go that route. He said he also wants to talk to some hitters that have had labrum surgery. "I've been getting mixed reviews," he said. "More recently, operations that have happened, the advancements in the surgery have been much better, more efficient. "Surgery is the last thing I want to happen, but if both sides are saying that the labrum is torn such that there is a small chance of it healing on its own, then surgery is the more logical decision to take." Scott is arbitration eligible after this season and you have to wonder if the Orioles would offer him arbitration or if there is a chance he gets non-tendered. "As far as my future with the Orioles, I want to be here when the organization makes that turn to get back to where we need to be. But that's out of my hands. All I can do is get ready for the challenge coming up," Scott said. "The rest is the Orioles' decision. My hope is that I will be here. "There are things that come into play. There is no doubt in my mind that I can come back and even stronger. No doubt in my mind. The road will be frustrating and painful. I had Tommy John surgery. You have to work extra hard to get back." Scott has had two cortisone shots and played through the pain, but now has made the final decision to end his season, even if it was not an easy decision to make. "It's like getting kicked really hard in the stomach. You put so much into this game and hope for the best. I was thinking positive, that I would get through this. When you realize it is not going to work out, it becomes very difficult to handle. But I've been down the road of adversity before and I count on my faith to handle it and come back even stronger," he said.

News and notes before tonight's game
Guerrero taking swings today (updated)

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