Way to go, sweater vest!
Is it possible that Andy MacPhail, who was getting crushed by fans on this blog just a week or so ago, is now becoming popular among many O's fans?
I haven't seen a comeback this dramatic since that O's-Red Sox game in May 2009.
One thing the last few days have shown us. Just because the O's were not mentioned in every rumor over the last few weeks didn't mean they were not busy behind the scenes. And just because they missed out on a few guys (Victor Martinez and Adam Dunn come to mind) doesn't mean there are not other moves out there that can help.
Sometimes, fans just want to see some action and they feel better.
Here is a sampling of some reader comments from the last day or two.
Fudd wrote: "I would say the Orioles have done great so far. Reynolds and Hardy are big improvements over Tejada and Izturis. Koji re-signed in a well thought out and reasonable manner. Even the Wigginton replacement has been done with Brendon Harris who can play anywhere as a backup. Well done, Orioles."
Theotherripken wrote: "Lets be honest. Even at a 1 year deal, that trade for Hardy was masterful. I don't give McPhail a lot of credit (in big part because the Sox and Yankees look unbeatable right now and McPhail in my eyes has let too many offseasons go to waste) but that is just a flat out great trade in terms of roster management and otherwise."
Lenny from Towson added: "Andy MacPhail has demonstrated why he is an outstanding GM. Working at an incredible disadvantage(confederate money) he has still managed to make significant improvements to this team. More importantly, he hasn't had to give up much. I've been critical of Andy in the past more for his style than his substance. But I was wrong. Style isn't important if he gets results."
Ben in west chester pa added: "I thought the moves made were great. The fact that we shored up the left side of the infield without touching any of the young starters is awesome."
Of course, not everyone is going to feel this way -- and no one is saying the O's are a contender, or maybe even close to one -- but the sentiment seems to be they made some good moves and improved the team.
Sometimes, that is all the fans want to see. By the way, the O's added four players during the winter meetings while the rest of the division added five total.
Meanwhile one fan wrote to me that selecting Adrian Rosario in the Rule 5 draft was a real leap of faith if they expect him to have a role on the major league club this year.
I see that move as the exact type of pickup a club like the O's should make. It cost all of $50,00 to get a real good, young arm that could turn into something down the road. If he can't stay on the roster all year, and the odds are against that, he gets offered back to Milwaukee, no big deal.
If he shows enough promise to stick, the O's have added another solid young arm for the future. No reason not to do that, especially when you pick fourth in the Rule 5. Rosario pitched last year in the Midwest League and Pioneer League. The Midwest League is like the South Atlantic League, so this is like asking a kid from Delmarva to pitch in Baltimore the very next year-- a huge jump for Rosario to try and make, but they still should have taken the chance.
Meanwhile, MacPhail and his staff still have plenty left to do. But the feeling among some fans seems to be that he and company did well in Orlando.

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