Road hazards, and turning the corner

If you're driving down Tuttle Avenue and pass the back fields, you might want to watch for flying baseballs. Guys were taking turns launching them over the right field fence and onto the street during batting practice. Nick Markakis and Luke Scott didn't cause any pileups, but I kept bracing for the impact. Miguel Tejada hit one ball that slammed off the batter's eye beyond the 400-foot sign in center field. I'm pretty sure another ball landed on one of the back fields at Fort Lauderdale Stadium. Trembley thought that Tejada looked comfortable at third base. "I think he will do just fine," Trembley said. "He's played shortstop for a long time in the big leagues and we're confident that him moving over to third will be okay. "Miggi was excited to be here - smiling, talking to everybody, very well-received. He's full of energy, got a lot of life. He's respected and he's going to be a real plus for us." Nolan Reimold took batting practice. The Achilles surgery isn't preventing him from taking his hacks in the cage. Trembley noted that Josh Bell is a "big man, but must have worked real hard. He came in lean. He looks great. He looks in good shape. He's got power from both sides of the plate. Doesn't swing hard. Easy, easy swing." Trembley gave the traditional clubhouse speech before the first full-squad workout. Asked for the theme of his message, he replied, "It's about the team. It's not about individuals. It's about the team, and what can you do as an individual to contribute to the success of the team. That was it in a nutshell. "I think it's time for us to turn the corner. And that's what we expect to do. We expect to turn the corner."

Tejada looks back while also looking ahead
The situation in BP

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