WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – The Nationals are off today, but that doesn't mean your trusty beat writer is off. There's plenty still to discuss about the first month of camp and what's still to come over the final two weeks.
This has been an eventful spring to date. We've seen the Nats sign four players who are likely to make the Opening Day roster (Kyle Finnegan, Lucas Sims, Colin Poche, Paul DeJong). We've seen James Wood come back from a minor quad injury and tear the cover off the ball. We've seen Dylan Crews, CJ Abrams, Luis García Jr. and Robert Hassell III all deliver big at the plate. And we've seen some mixed results from the pitching staff, especially those trying to win the fifth starter's job.
Surely, you've got questions you'd like answered, so let's use this opportunity today to delve into a bunch of topics. One important caveat: If you could please avoid questions about the Nats' current and future TV situation, understanding I really can't provide any insight into that subject, I would greatly appreciate it.
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