Roberts said he could understand if Orioles choose to not sign him for next year

Brian Roberts could be down to his last two days in an Orioles uniform. But then again he may not. It is a unique situation with a season ending, but we don't know if Roberts, who has been in the organization since 1999, will return next season. Roberts said today, if it turns that the Orioles move on without him, he would understand that. "Oh sure. It's business," he said. "It is going to come at some point, whether it is now or later. I'm sure they would have good reasons for both, whether they want me back or don't want me back. They don't really have to have a good reason for me, to tell you the truth. "I will be totally fine either way. Disappointed, maybe. But certainly no hard feelings or lack of understanding, you know." Roberts was asked if he thinks he will be back in 2014? "I have no idea," Roberts said. "At this point I'll play these last two games and go home and try have a normal month of October and we'll see where it goes. "Obviously you know the time is going to come eventually where you get to the point where you know it's completely over or you may not know exactly. That is kind of where I am I guess. Haven't had much time to reflect on it too much. "But have certainly had enough time to realize that everything that has gone on the last 13, 14, 15 years of me being in the Orioles organization. I definitely feel blessed to have had that time no matter what." Does Roberts feel certain that he wants to play next season? "Pretty sure I want to play, yeah, unless something drastic happens," he said. "My desire would be to play. I think it's certainly going to have to be the right situation too though. I don't exactly know what that is yet, but I'll have to weigh my options." You have to wonder if those options would include playing somewhere other than Baltimore for the first time in his professional life? "I haven't sat there and said, 'I would play in this place and this place.' So I don't really know for sure," Roberts said. "My first choice would be here and then if that is not the case, I'd have to see what the other options are and if that is a good fit for me and my family."

Notes and quotes before tonight's game
Morse shut down with wrist injury

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