Very grateful for my time here as it comes toward an end

I was the first writer hired to work at It was, I think, late in 2007 or maybe early in 2008. It all runs together now. But there I was writing articles called blogs about the Orioles at a place that most people didn’t know even existed back then.

But I put in the time and effort then and now, too, and here I am about 17 years later still writing for MASN.

Well, at least for a few more days.

Over the years, I have gained experience and knowledge on how to write game stories and also how to re-write game stories in the last of the ninth. To write about the minors and the majors. To write about the draft, trades, waiver claims, injuries and anything and everything about the Orioles.

Even about those we lost along the way like Brooks Robinson and Mike Flanagan.

The one story I have no experience writing is this one. The one about my time here coming to an end. But it is.

It was last Wednesday morning, Jan. 15, when I got the news I didn’t want to hear. That the Orioles were not renewing my contract to write for among other jobs that were part of that agreement and arrangement. My last day is Jan. 31.

It hit hard because I love this job and love covering this team. My hometown team. I have told players in recent years I can’t wait to come to the clubhouse to see them each day. This group is that cool. Those days are not gone. I remain hopeful and confident they are not.

I look forward to the next steps. My love affair with the Orioles started when I was 6, and if I’m going to work this long and hard to cover baseball year-round, I want to do that only in this town and only for this team.

My passion for this job is stronger than ever. My love of this job is stronger than ever. My work ethic is as good as ever. My energy for the job is vast.

During busy summers, maybe at those times when I have worked 30 straight days and sleep just three hours because of a 12-inning game and have to rush to the airport to get home to cover another game and then host a postgame radio show that night as well, guess what I do? I sleep three hours, rush home and cover the damn game that night. Happy to do it. Plenty of people would trade places with me.

The last few days have been uplifting in the many times I have heard from friends and co-workers and people in this industry telling me how much they like and respect my work. Encouraging and supporting me. Love to you all and saying thanks seems insufficient.

I am proud of what I did for MASN and the Orioles the last 17 years. I gave my best, busted it daily and kept grinding, learning, adapting and adjusting to stay relevant and keep up with the job. What is spin rate? I took time to learn. What is wOBA? I took time to learn. I would be among the last I suggest you go to for advance stats class, but I tried to learn all of it and never just said the heck with it. Or that I could do stories or shows without it. 

People keep telling me I will be fine and I am confident they are right. I loved my time here, and I so much appreciate the loyal readers who read almost every word I wrote, watched me on television, and listened and called into radio shows.

There is no one to criticize here and  yes, even without me  will remain a great place for O’s fans to check out every day. I was a part of our successes here but far from the only one making that so. I have worked with talented pros.

I am confident you will be able to find me at another outlet and I hope that will be sooner rather than later.

I love you, Birdland.

This, that and the other
Orioles announce 2025 minors coaching staffs, play...

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