Welcome to Winterfest!

Welcome to Nationals Winterfest!

Judging from the sandals, shorts and short-sleeved shirts I saw on the red army of Nationals fans marching toward the Walter E. Washington Convention Center this morning on the walk from my parking lot (kudos to Parking Panda for the sweet deal), there won't be much of a snow-glazed tint to this weekend's baseball festivities.

Highs in the 60s and 70s? Sheesh, feels more like Viera in March. Bring on the Grapefruit League.

Winterfest-15-sidebar.jpgBut we've got important business to attend to before then, and the Convention Center is the epicenter of NatsTown this weekend. Two full days of player appearances and interactive activities, curly W gear and diamond talk. If you need an offseason baseball fix, this is the place.

We certainly hope to see you at the MASN booth. Here is a rundown of all the cool things we've got going on for Nats fans. Pay special attention to the giveaways and Nats swag we're distributing to the lucky masses. If you go by the booth, make sure to say hello to MASNsports.com's Bobby Blanco and Brian Eller today, and Olivia Witherite tomorrow.

After today's Winterfest activities end, you can find me at the Velocity bar next door at the Marriott Marquis, where I'll be engaged in some deep baseball ruminations with the Half Street Regulars, some of the most rabid fans this side of South Capitol Street. Stop by and say hello.

Don't worry, Chris Johnson and I - fresh off a few hours of sleep after a whirlwind week at baseball's Winter Meetings in Nashville - will be in the media corral, checking in with Nats players and staff, and keeping you up to date on all the important news. If anything breaks this weekend, you'll find it here.

Enjoy Winterfest! And be glad for a few more days of pleasant temps before it really starts feeling like winter in the nation's capital.

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