Werth rejoins Nats and will travel to Boston, plus positive news on Span and Rendon

PHILADELPHIA - Outfielder Jayson Werth returned to the Nationals clubhouse Sunday after completing a three-game rehab stint at Single-A Potomac. Nats manager Matt Williams confirmed that Werth will travel with the team to Boston tonight but was not ready to say whether he'll be in the lineup tomorrow at Fenway Park.

"Well, we'll see," said Williams. "We'll see how he wakes up tomorrow. Today he's good, so we'll make that determination in the morning."

Werth is eligible to play after his 15-day trip to the disabled list expired Saturday. He's been aiming to return from right shoulder surgery in January in time to play in tomorrow's game, which is the Red Sox home opener.

Williams has the advantage of being able to use the designated hitter in his lineup in the three-game series in Boston, which should increase the chances of Werth playing.

span-catch-red-sidebar.jpgWilliams also received some good news from Viera, Fla., where center fielder Denard Span and third baseman Anthony Rendon are continuing their rehab process.

Span ramped his game action up to five innings today. He was able to test his recovery from core muscle surgery by legging out at a triple and later attempting to steal a base. Span was thrown out, but it's a good sign that he feels comfortable enough to try it, considering it was the running that bothered him before the procedure.

Rendon has begun swinging a bat with some tee work and flip toss. Williams says Rendon has continued to take groundballs in addition to running.

"It's encouraging to have him on the road to recovery," Williams said.

First baseman Ryan Zimmerman has dealt with his fair share of injuries the last couple years. The 11-year pro knows the potency of the Nats lineup when it's at full strength.

"Getting some of those guys back is going to help," said Zimmerman. "We're confident that if none of those guys were to come back, we can win with the guys we have here. But it'll be nice to get (Werth) back and hopefully Denard and Anthony soon after him. We have what we have now and I think all in this room are confident with who we have."

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