This will be the final Where at Nats Park contest before the regular season starts, so I will come up with a tally at the end of this week with where everybody stands through the offseason. We'll kick off the next round of the game next week for Opening Day.
Can you guess where at Nats Park this picture was taken?

Be sure to keep playing because I hear there may be great prizes in the works. I'll let you know more when I find out for sure. On that note, there are also cool prizes for Nats Buzz Fantasy Baseball winners, so don't forget to sign up before Monday!
The answer to this contest will be posted on Wednesday.
This is the Wall of Dreams, a fundraiser for the Washington Nationals Dream Foundation. Supporters can purchase one of the displayed balls starting at $250. It used to be in the Center Field Plaza, but today it was displayed behind Home Plate. That could be a temporary move.
Good work everyone!

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