Andrew Stetka: O's can't afford to wait on decision regarding Jimenez's future

After his latest debacle in Toronto, Ubaldo Jimenez is right on the edge of falling off the cliff. The Orioles have few options when it comes to moving forward with Jimenez, but if they want to keep up their chances of competing in the American League East, it might be time to cut bait. Six out of his last seven starts could be slotted into the "miserable" category. In the one that wasn't, he lasted just five innings while allowing one run.

The Orioles would obviously be required to eat a lot of cash in order to remove Jimenez from their roster. But for a team that was very active this offseason, it's clear that spending money isn't something it is afraid of. At some point you have to question whether or not you're paying someone to help your team or paying them not to hurt it.

Jimenez is clearly not the only issue in the Orioles rotation, but he's going to draw the most criticism because of his contract. Mike Wright has also struggled mightily, but he can be optioned to the minor leagues at any time. The only thing stopping the Orioles from doing that is perhaps a lack of better options. That's also a factor in parting ways with Jimenez. There's no question the Orioles would love to replace Jimenez in the rotation, but who is filling that spot at this point?

Odrisamer Despaigne has pitched well at Triple-A Norfolk of late, but there's not enough track record there to believe he's a long-term option. Joe Gunkel and Nick Additon have also fared decently for the Tides, posting sub-4.00 ERAs in a handful of starts. Of course, Yovani Gallardo is nearing a return as well, but there's no guarantee that he can pitch better than he did to start the season. Diving a bit deeper, Chris Lee is a name the organization really likes down at Double-A Bowie. He's pitched to a sub-3.00 ERA thus far, but there's still no track record for a player like that to jump into the major league rotation at this point. We are talking about a team that is in contention in the AL East as the schedule barrels toward July. The O's aren't looking to take fliers on minor league arms.

Perhaps the most obvious indication that change could be on the horizon with Jimenez is Buck Showalter's comments after the game yesterday. Showalter was visibly upset by Jimenez's outing, and basically said as much. What's also obvious based on Showalter's remarks is that he doesn't feel confident putting him in the bullpen.

Regardless of what the Orioles ultimately decide to do about Jimenez, that decision must come soon. If they are going to keep him in the rotation and live with the lumps, they should say it. If they are going to move him to the bullpen, that move needs to come swiftly. And if Jimenez is ultimately going to be released, and all of that money flushed down the drain, it's time to get it done. This is a franchise looking to push its way back into the playoffs. The old cliché that wins in June count just as much as wins in September absolutely applies here. The O's can't afford to be tossing games away with Jimenez on the mound. They need a solution, and they need it fast.

Andrew Stetka blogs about the Orioles for Eutaw Street Report. Follow him on Twitter: @AStetka. His thoughts on the O's appear here as part of's continuing commitment to welcome guest bloggers to our little corner of cyberspace. All opinions expressed are those of the guest bloggers, who are not employed by but are just as passionate about their baseball as our roster of writers.

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