The Orioles, Ravens and MASN will team up again this season to offer the third annual O's Ravens Rally to be held this year at Oriole Park on Saturday, June 12.
The O's and Ravens will partner to bring fans of both of Baltimore's Birds giveaways, a special first pitch ceremony, and appearances from Ravens at Oriole Park.
The first 20,000 fans (ages 15 and older) who enter the ballpark before the Orioles' Saturday evening game against the Mets will receive an O's Ravens Rally Cap presented by MASN. You might remember last year's design, which featured a purple and white color scheme, complete with a Ravens purple Orioles "O". This year's design promises a purple Oriole Bird and bill so you can once again support both of Baltimore's Birds at once.
Also as part of the special day, a Ravens player will throw out the ceremonial first pitch, Ravens cheerleaders will make an appearance at the game, and the Marching Ravens will be in the stands to provide gameday entertainment.
The Ravens mascot, Poe, will also be at the ballpark, teaming up with the Oriole Bird to get the crowd going.
Lastly, don't miss out on the special ticket offer available for the O's Ravens Rally, as Ravens PSL Owners can show their PSL Owner card when they purchase tickets for the game for $5 off a regularly priced single game ticket (up to 6 tickets per member).
For more info on this year's O's Ravens Rally, call 888-848-BIRD or 410-261-RAVE.

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