Domenic Vadala: Late-season deal could tip AL East in favor of Orioles

As we've all heard countless times, Major League Baseball's trade season doesn't end in July. The non-waiver trade deadline is, of course, at the end of July. However, trades can still be made until the waiver trade deadline at the end of August (which means that players can be traded so long as they pass through waivers).

So with the Orioles now playing better (or so it seems) in the wake of the West Coast trip, I would submit that the waiver trade deadline is of supreme importance for this team and its postseason potential or probability. Bear in mind that the Orioles acquired the likes of Alejandro De Aza in August last season. While he's unfortunately remembered now as a guy who didn't work out, and that's largely because of this year. He left his mark on the pennant chase in 2014.

With a few exceptions, trades made in August usually don't make too many waves. Granted, there was the trade between Boston and the Los Angeles Dodgers a few years ago that sent lots of players back and forth, however that's the exception and not the rule. But this is not to say that the Orioles can't pick up a guy that can help them. In fact, I would submit that they need to do so in order to get to the playoffs.

And I say that for one reason - actually two reasons, if you think about it. First, the New York Yankees oddly stood pat at the non-waiver trade deadline. I'm not sure I can ever recall that happening before when they've been in contention. While I'm sure they were working right down to the deadline to swing a deal, the end result was that they couldn't get it done. And for those who are familiar with Mario Puzo's novel, "The Godfather," Don Corleone always said to let your enemies underestimate you.

The second reason that the Orioles need to swing an August trade is, of course, Toronto - which just dropped two of three to the aforementioned Yankees. As great as Toronto has been going of late, do the Blue Jays now wonder if they have what it takes to make it to the promised land? Does doubt start to creep in?

It wouldn't surprise me in the least to see Toronto try to make one more splash on the trade market as August winds down. Granted, it might not be possible given the fact that they've all but emptied the coffers of their farm system. However, the fact is that they're all-in on 2015 - at least they want people to believe that. So would it be that surprising?

My point here is that the Orioles absolutely have to be gauging what their options are at the deadline. While I don't think that the starting pitching has been as bad as some have, perhaps they could pull off a deal for a starting pitcher that would push a Miguel Gonzalez into the bullpen. The good thing about the waiver trade deadline is that it's Aug. 31; with rosters expanding in September, there might not be a need for a corresponding roster move.

The big name that's out there in terms of pitching is James Shields. I'm not sure that the O's could pull that off without either causing serious harm to their farm system, or sending big league talent. (And believe me that San Diego would justifiably ask for more than a Ryan Flaherty or Jimmy Paredes in exchange for Shields.) Either way, I do think that the O's need to be active in August - and Dan Duquette has already said that they would be as active as they could.

The playoff picture is still nebulous, and that includes the American League East. It's really still up for grabs between the Orioles, Toronto and New York. So if New York and/or Toronto make moves and the Orioles make none, that sets them apart further. Heck, if the Birds can't swing a trade for a pitcher, why not continue looking into acquiring an outfielder with some power? If you can't fill the holes in terms of pitching, you can always make them smaller by having another guy in the lineup that can drive in more runs.

I'm not going to go so far as to say that the division itself hinges on the waiver trade deadline. However, I think it's very important. And don't forget that teams can even make trades in September - but those players aren't eligible for postseason rosters.

Domenic Vadala blogs about the Orioles at Birds Watcher, and his opinions appear here as part of's season-long initiative of welcoming guest bloggers to our pages. Follow him on Twitter: @DomenicVadala. All opinions expressed are those of the guest bloggers, who are not employed by but are just as passionate about their baseball as our roster of writers.

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