For now, Luke Scott can deal with his shoulder pain

Orioles outfielder Luke Scott is in the lineup again tonight. He continues to play with some pain in his right shoulder. He is going to have an MRI Monday so doctors can take a more complete look. "I want to just see if there is anything going on in there," Scott said. "And, if there is, what to do and if there isn't, what to do. Just know exactly what to do and go from there. I've been playing with this for pretty much the (whole) season but it's been bothering me pretty good for about three weeks now." Scott said he first felt some discomfort there late in spring training. He said he continues to be optimistic that he will remain off the disabled list. "Yes. Very optimistic. If I'm playing with whatever I've got now I mean, I'm doing all right. I'm getting by," Scott said. "It feels like some deep soreness and pain. Especially when I throw. When I hit sometimes (you feel it) if my shoulder gets out there a little bit. Hitting is not as bad." Scott is batting .259 in 24 games with a team-leading six homers and 13 RBIs. Over his last 10 games he is batting .333 with four homers and nine RBIs and five multi-hit games. He added that the groin injury that sidelined him early in the year is doing much better except when he plays in cold weather.

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