Gonzalez: "I didn't have my stuff tonight"

Miguel Gonzalez gave up one run in his first start with the Orioles, three in his second and two in his third. He came within an out of three quality starts in three tries. Tonight, he didn't come close. "I didn't have my stuff tonight," he said. "I was trying to do my best, but it didn't work out." Gonzalez hit three Rays in 2 2/3 innings and nearly drilled a fourth in the helmet. "The ball was just slipping," he said. "I didn't have a good grip. It was just a battle." The tone was set immediately when Desmond Jennings homered on the first pitch. "It happens," Gonzalez said. "I've just got to get better. Work out for the next outing and just go from there." Lacking command "was the main thing for me," Gonzalez added. "My command, and I just didn't have it tonight." Gonzalez realized it in the first inning, as the Rays were scoring five runs. "Obviously, whatever happened didn't work out for me," he said. "I just want to forget about tonight's game, move forward and get them next time. "Just mentally, I wasn't there tonight. The results, it happens. I just want to forget about tonight's game." Show of hands if you feel the same way.

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