Hitting the Books with Gary Thorne: "Integrating the Orioles: Baseball and Race in Baltimore"

For this edition of "Hitting the Books," we turn our attention to one of Baltimore's most valuable institutions, The Enoch Pratt Free Library.

From the library's own records, we find that Enoch Pratt was a Baltimore businessman who lived from 1808-1896. He made his fortune as an iron merchant; a rail, canal and steamboat owner; and a bank president.

He was an American story, coming from Massachusetts and making his own way and always believing those who have must give and that the opportunity door must be open to all.

Pratt believed a free and open public library and quality public schools were essential to individual and societal growth.

Thus, in 1886 he donated the construction of a central library, four branch libraries and an endowment fund of more than $1 million to Baltimore.

His idea was to create "a free circulating public library, open to all citizens regardless of property or color." His dream lives today.

A new central library was approved in 1927 and the beautiful structure stands in the center of the city. There are now 21 branches, and for the first time in 10 years, they are all open at the same time.

The Canton branch - one of the original four branches constructed - recently reopened after a complete renovation.

IntegratingOrioles.jpg"Hitting the Books" is once again honored to have the personnel of these branches involved in providing weekly book recommendations, the first of this year coming from Roswell Encina, director of communications, who is our point man at the Pratt Library.

Talk about a timely recommendation: Encina offers us "Integrating the Orioles: Baseball and Race in Baltimore" by Bob Luke.

"This is a compelling story that weaves in the civil rights struggle and the Orioles," Encina says. "It's American history, but also Baltimore history. A must read not only by sports and history fans but for all Baltimoreans."

We welcome Roswell back to our mic.

"Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation." - Walter Cronkite

Support your public library, use it and never forget its importance.

Gary Thorne is the play-by-play voice of the Orioles on MASN, and the 2016 season is his 10th with the club and 31st covering Major League Baseball. His blog will appear regularly throughout the season. The Enoch Pratt Free Library will hold a workshop for first-time homebuyers on Saturday, April 16, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., at the Herring Run Branch, 3801 Erdman Ave. Information will be presented by Belair-Edison Neighborhoods, Inc., on real estate agents, down payments, loans and grants.

* Hitting the Books with Gary Thorne. © Copyright 2016 Gary F. Thorne. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog's author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Gary F. Thorne and MASNsports.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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