#IChallengeAJ: Take on Jones in burger-building Fan Challenge, presented by CareFirst (updated)

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If you follow Orioles center fielder Adam Jones on Twitter or watch his postgame interviews, you've probably seen or heard his famous "Stay Hungry" slogan.

While known for his stellar play on the field, when you hear "Adam Jones," you also think of his love of food. He even created his own signature burger, the @SimplyAJ10 at The Abbey Burger Bistro in Baltimore. Check out the delicious-looking burger below. (Author's note: I've had the @SimplyAJ10 burger, and it was a-ma-zing.)

Even though you might not be able to take down Jones in baseball, do you think you could create a better burger than him? Well, we want you to try!

So what's on your signature burger? Lettuce, tomato, a fried egg, secret sauce or other ingredients? Show us!

We want you to show us why you should go head-to-head and challenge Jones in the CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Fan Challenge, a burger-building contest at The Abbey Burger Bistro! Simply tweet why we should pick you to challenge Jones with the hashtag #IChallengeAJ.

We're looking for creative entries: pictures and video and Instagram links are encouraged. We'll pick one of our favorites to take on Jones at the Baltimore burger joint!

The contest runs from Aug. 11-17, and winners will be selected on Aug. 22.

Are you ready? Get tweeting using #IChallengeAJ!

Update: Many entered, but it's @BROpie_ who will be taking Adam Jones on in the CareFirst Fan Challenge.

His mouthwatering tweet stood out to Jones, and the winner will now perfect his burger-building skills before taking on Jones at The Abbey Burger Bistro.

Check out his burger below. Who's hungry?

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