Joe Ross earns more starts with sterling performance to beat Diamondbacks 8-3

Right-hander Joe Ross continued to showcase his ability to pitch at the major league level with another solid six innings Thursday in an 8-3 win over the Diamondbacks.

Ross allowed only five hits, one run and no walks while striking out seven over 89 pitches, an amazing 62 for strikes. His only mistake was a changeup to Jarrod Saltalamacchia for a solo homer.

Joe-Ross-white-sidebar.jpgManager Matt Williams said the poise that the 22-year-old Ross has displayed in only his seventh major league start is rare but impressive.

"It's rare, but he understands that if he makes pitches he's got a chance to get them out," Williams said. "We've seen so far that he doesn't walk a whole lot of guys. He makes them put the ball in play, and that's important. His ball's got good late movement on it, on his fastball, and a good slider to go along with it for strikes when he needs it and out of the zone when he needs to get a swing and miss, too."

Williams announced that Ross will make at least one start on the team's critical 10-game western road trip next week when they go to Los Angeles, San Francisco and Denver. With the added news that veteran Doug Fister is moving to the bullpen, Ross will likely get a couple of starts on the trip.

Reporters let Ross in on the news; he did not know he was booked for at least a few more starts, especially now that Williams also confirmed that Stephen Strasburg would make his first start since July 5 on Saturday night against the Rockies.

"I feel good and honored," Ross said. "It's tough (with) five great starters that we have and Strasburg coming back, so for me to stay, obviously glad (to) take the role and try to continue to help the team."

Ross said he saw from the beginning of the game that Arizona was going to go after his stuff, so he knew he would have to mix things up and work in his breaking pitches to get guys out.

"They were aggressive hitters so being able to mix in breaking balls and changeups first pitch definitely helped, and (Wilson Ramos) did a great job behind the plate tonight calling pitches and staying in front of the ball," Ross said.

First baseman Clint Robinson said that the 22-year-old has not let the bright lights get to him. Ross said he had to maintain the belief that he could get guys out and not back down, not letting the opponent think they had gotten to him.

"Joe's confident in his ability," Robinson said. "He has a lot of poise on the mound. He trusts his stuff. He knows that he's good enough to be up here and to be successful, and we love having him in the rotation. Good guy, love him to death and love what he brings to us."

"He throws strikes, attacks the hitters," said pinch-hitter Ryan Zimmerman. "Obviously he has really good stuff. Ever since he's come up, he's done his job and (has) been better I think than anyone really expected. Good guy to have on your side."

Ross said he also didn't feel pressure leading up to these starts to succeed in order to stay in the big leagues. He didn't worry about his status with the team going forward.

"No, I wouldn't say I think about it before starts," Ross said. "Obviously I want to go out there and do my best and hopefully make them, I guess, have to make a decision. I guess if Stras were to come back and take over my spot, er, his spot again, I guess, I would've completely understood, and that would've been fine with me."

Ross did understand the sacrifice that Fister was making by moving to the bullpen. If Fister had stayed in the rotation, Ross might have been sent back to Triple-A, even after a win.

"I need to go thank him obviously because I'm sure he could've said, 'I want to stay (as a starter),' " Ross said. "For me to get the opportunity to keep starting and for him to, I guess, choose the role of going to the bullpen, it's great. Anything we can do to win games and make a good playoff run."

But this move can work for both Ross and Fister. Ross will get his starts as they monitor his unannounced innings limit. He is currently at 45 innings in the majors and 76 innings in the minors this season for 121 innings overall. When they decide that Ross has reached his innings limit, Fister could potentially return to the starting rotation.

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