Making the 'pen and rotation mightier

As further proof that you can find odds and place bets on just about anything, I bring you the following from Bodog: What position will the first player who tests positive for HGH play? Pitcher 1/1 Outfielder 7/4 Infielder 7/2 Will a MLB player test positive for HGH before June1, 2012? Yes 1/1 No 5/7 Where will the first MLB player to test positive for HGH come from? American League 1/1 National League 5/7 Will a former all-star test positive for HGH in the 2012-2013 season? Yes 5/1 Will a former league MVP or Cy Young Winner test positive for HGH in the 2012-2013 season? Yes 20/1 There's an outside chance that the Orioles announce the Chong Tae-Hyon signing today, though I'm not placing odds. It depends whether his physical is complete and his name appears on a contract. Otherwise, it could happen on Friday. He's in Baltimore. I've heard rumblings, though unconfirmed, that he's already been examined by at least one doctor, which means he's agreed to terms. I don't think you consent to an exam without doing so. But again, that's unconfirmed. The Orioles aren't saying more than necessary. They'd prefer to wait until the results of his physical are in the hands of executive vice president Dan Duquette. Anyway, Chong will be an Oriole. He'll be added to the 40-man roster. We're just waiting for official word. I plan on eating and watching football Thursday without giving much thought to it. I may indulge in one cocktail. I'll nurse it through three games. Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. The Orioles' infatuation with Chong and their reported interest in Rockies closer Huston Street suggests that they're looking to provide aid to their rotation through their bullpen. It's not a novel idea. They attempted to ease the transition of their young starters last winter by beefing up the 'pen. This doesn't mean they'll resist adding a veteran starter or two. I can't stress enough that starting pitching is the No. 1 priority. And for that reason, I find it incredibly hard to believe that the Orioles would subtract Jeremy Guthrie in a straight-up deal for Street and his $7.5 million salary, as some fans have suggested. The Orioles need a stronger bullpen to cover for their rotation. And they need at least one starter who can provide innings - and yes, wins also would be nice - so the bullpen isn't emptied by the sixth. Jim Johnson seems destined to return to his original starting role, but it's not like you can pencil him for 200 innings right off the bat, so to speak. We don't know how he'll adapt and whether the experiment, if that's what we're calling it, will be terminated before Opening Day or the middle of May. My guess is I'll be tackling this topic again on today's edition of "The Mid-Atlantic Sports Report," which airs from 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m. on MASN. Tom Davis is filling in for Amber Theoharis. I'm taking off Friday. OK, two cocktails. But that's it.

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