More postgame chatter after 5-4 win

So what does tonight's 5-4 win say about the Orioles? Let Luke Scott answer that one. "That we have a lot of heart," he said. "We've got to continue to play that way, as far as never give up, play the game nine innings hard, and at the end of the day if we're on top, great, let's celebrate, enjoy it for the night. If we don't, let's get ready for tomorrow. "You look around this clubhouse, these guys don't give up. There's a lot of heart on this team. We've taken our licks. We know what it's like to lose, get our butts beat and get buried. It's not fun. But at the same time, through the adversity we've learned to play hard regardless of the circumstances. It's carrying over to now where we've gotten better as a team and we still have that never-give-up attitude." What was the mood after the top of the eighth inning, when Boston scored four times to tie the game? "It was a sense of, 'Aw, dang it,' but then quickly it's just like, 'All right guys, let's get after them this inning,'" Scott said. "It took about a second to reflect on it, but you know what? It's our turn to hit. Let's go out there and get after it. Guys were upbeat, guys were positive, guys were optimistic. We were up there ready to go." Josh Beckett looked like he was ready to throw down after Scott homered onto Eutaw St. "I didn't notice anything," Scott said. "I was just kind of enjoying the moment and just, as I usually do, I try to just enjoy this opportunity with the Lord as much as I can. I was just kind of thanking him around the bases I caught it, nothing more than what I normally do. I caught it, saw it and tossed my bat off the way and went into my trot. Just enjoying the moment. "When I got in the dugout, the guys said he was yelling or something like that. Staring. I have all the respect in the world for Josh Beckett. He's one of the best pitchers in the game. And I respect everyone who takes the mound against me. He's a tremendous competitor. You know, I'm an emotional person, as well, so I can understand people getting emotional, getting fired up before a game." Beckett didn't sound like he wanted to talk about the incident, asking Boston reporters whether this was TMZ. Vladimir Guerrero, speaking through interpreter Rudy Arias, said he expected the Red Sox to intentionally walk him in the eighth. "I thought they were going to pitch me four balls, but he gave me a good pitch to hit and I hit it up the middle," Guerrero said of reliever Daniel Bard. "I feel that the club, every day, is coming out here to win and make sure that nobody gets hurt." Guerrero is 6-for-19 with eight RBIs with runners in scoring position. "I'm taking a lot of BP and working hard in the cages," he said. "That's my thing. I get men on base and that's something I look forward to." Here's a little something from Brian Roberts: "To come back off of Bard after blowing a four-run lead in the eighth, Nick obviously hasn't had the results that he probably should have had, but he comes up with a big at-bat, D-Lee gets up 0-2 and takes a great swing on a breaking ball. You could kind of feel at least the excitement come back in our dugout after the air had kind of gone out a little bit. But it was still a tie game and you knew that you had a good chance to win. "You never want to blow a four-run lead in the eighth, but it happens. They put some good at-bats together in the eighth. It was good to get out with a tie. At that point, you knew all you needed was just one run. Just string a couple of hits together, a couple of good at-bats together, and you never know what could happen. They have a tremendous back end of the bullpen. We had guys that really came up with professional at-bats." I'll close this entry with some quotes from Jeremy Guthrie, who left after six scoreless innings because his pitch count rose to 111. "I would have loved to have gone deeper," he said. "I would have loved to get to that seventh, eighth inning. That's my goal every time, to try and complete the game, so I came up a little bit short on that tonight. "I want to be better. I'm not OK with it. You can do what you can do and you can control what you can control. Tonight, had I gone out two more innings and gotten it to Kevin, it could be a different ballgame, so you work on what you can work on. I've been trying to work on my pitches, I'm trying to use the curveball more. Tonight, my changeup wasn't well located. I need to get that in the strike zone more often. I just couldn't get it there as much as I would've liked. "I'll tell you what, every time I finish a game, I work on something. You have something to work on for the next four days and that makes it exciting to know you get to go out in five more days from now and try and be a better pitcher than you were today. That's the approach I take in baseball, that's the approach I take in life, and that's the approach I take with my family."

Burnett gets roughed up in ninth, suffers first lo...
Showalter speaks after 5-4 win

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