Over the two-hour lunch the MASN fantasy baseball winners were treated to with Orioles Manager Dave Trembley Monday, there seemed to be a handful of one-liners and little observations that didn't fit into my official piece on the event.
So here they are, one at a time...
-When looking at the photo in the post on the MASN fantasy baseball winners' lunch, did you notice anyone familiar in the group of winners? Yep, that's "Molly from Pikesville" from the MASN Defining Moments commercial. She's the girl with the cool Hebrew Orioles shirt...
-Along those lines, a cell phone rang to the tune of "Orioles Magic" at one point during the lunch. That's a dedicated fan.
-Trembley said he watched every inning of the playoffs. "Gotta love it," he said with a huge smile and recanted how he used to cut out box scores in the paper when he was a kid. That's the kind of baseball guy Trembley is.
-In coming upon Daniel Cabrera in conversation, one fan laughed, "I loved to watch him bat!" - To which Trembley exclaimed, "He wouldn't swing!" - In six major league seasons, Cabrera went to the plate just 26 times with a batting average of a flat .000.
-In discussing how many Orioles are considered pretty quiet guys, someone asked Trembley, "Who's loud then?" Trembley replied, "Jones. Jones. Jones. Jones is not shy." He also mentioned "JJ" as another player who's "not shy" on this current Orioles team.
-Trembley's favorite channel when not watching O's game replays on MASN is the MLB Network. He's a glutton for the classic games, news and highlights.
-Getting to the really "serious" questions, Molly jokingly asked how much gum Adam Jones goes through in a game? Does he have a huge supply of it on hand? Yep. According to Trembley, Jones has a huge "stash of gum in his locker" at all times.
"Probably the hardest, hardest, hardest part of my job is getting guys to appreciate the opportunity they have and [getting them to] give maximum effort all the time."
"The toughest three outs to get in Yankee Stadium are the six you have to get."
"Wait 'til Jones is 27 or 28. He's gonna be the best center fielder in the American League."

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