Pregame news and notes

Second baseman Ryan Adams is making his major league debut tonight, but Robert Andino will get the start tomorrow afternoon. Manager Buck Showalter told Andino that he'll still get opportunities to play. He won't be buried on the bench while Adams is here. Adams moved to third base last summer at Double-A Bowie and he played the hot corner in the Arizona Fall League. However, Showalter has no plans to use Adams at third. Nolan Reimold will start in left field tomorrow. Will there be a platoon in left with Reimold and Felix Pie? "We'll take a look at it each day," Showalter said. Asked if Reimold could play first base here, Showalter replied, "I'd like to stay away from that if I could." Reimold hasn't played first at Triple-A Norfolk this year and he didn't get any work there in spring training. The position was crowded with Derrek Lee, Luke Scott, Jake Fox, Brandon Snyder and Joe Mahoney. Nick Markakis and Mark Reynolds remain in the lineup despite being ill for the past week. This virus has hit them hard. Reynolds told the club that he's feeling better today. Catcher Craig Tatum has come off the disabled list and will start tonight for Norfolk. As you know, left-hander Brian Matusz is starting tomorrow for Bowie. Shameless plug alert: I'll be doing a live hit around 5:55 p.m. on the Mid-Atlantic Sports Report on MASN. Don't get the wrong idea. I'll be on the field taking questions from host Tom Davis.

Comparing the AL East and NL East as we head in to...
Adams in lineup (with Nationals lineup)

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