Pregame Showalter, Yankees lineup

I gave you the Reader's Digest version of today's pregame maneuverings. Manager Buck Showalter expanded on them this afternoon while meeting with the media for about 10 minutes. On Cesar Izturis: "He's going to have surgery Tuesday at 7 a.m. Dr. (John) Wilckens is going to do the surgery with the nerve. We hope that goes well and he still has potential to be a player for us this year if everything goes well. If everything goes well, he could potentially be back playing for us this year from what I'm told, unless they find something in there that they weren't expecting." On roster moves: "We disabled Derrek Lee today. We'll obvious backdate that a couple of days. And pending approval by MLB, we will disabled Brian Roberts with the seven-day concussion DL. We'll backdate it two days, which means that he'll be eligible the first day after the off day. We activated (Chris) Jakubauskas and Troy Patton for tonight." On making another move for a position player: "Tonight, no. We could potentially do it for tomorrow." More on Lee move: "He came in yesterday, and talking to him, he felt some improvement and thought that he might be back. But from yesterday to today, it was about the same. Talking to medical people, I don't want to lose Derrek. I'd like to have him. He impacts our team in a lot of ways. But taking a chance on this? Like I said yesterday, the only way to find out if it's OK is to play in a game. You can take all the short toss, tee work, batting practice you want to take. We've seen this with J.J. (Hardy) when we actually took a couple of days on him. Once he got in a swing mode in game speed, he had an issue. "The medical people think we could potentially take care of it during the DL period, but in my mind, that's iffy for me. But we'll see. My experience with these things over the years, there's usually a lot more going on there than you think. I hope not. I think there's some talk about taking some form of an X-ray or something that shows certain inflammations to try and judge how bad it is." On trying to put Roberts on the seven-day DL: "He's the same today as he was yesterday. I didn't hear anything about it in Boston and he had a day that he wasn't starting. I know that we had the rainout that day. The first time I heard anything about it really was yesterday. That's me personally. I don't know what conversations were going on that I didn't hear about, but no, not improved today. He felt it when he dove into first base in Boston on the ball that was hit off (Daisuke) Matsuzaka's midsection. It could have been the jar of going in there, I'm not sure." On concerns over Roberts' latest concussion symptoms: "Anytime you're dealing with a concussion and heads and stuff, you're concerned about it. I was talking to Brian. This isn't anything like the symptoms he was feeling last year. That's good, but you still have those symptoms that we're going to make sure that we have our arms around it before we go forward. We're hoping that it clears up and the doctors feel fine about it and he's a player on Tuesday." On Justin Duchscherer: "I haven't heard that one today, but I've had my ear on a lot of other things, quite frankly. I'll probably ask that question at some point tonight. I haven't gotten that far with Richie (Bancells) yet." On starters for the weekend: "Right now it looks like (Jake) Arrieta, (Jeremy) Guthrie and (Chris) Tillman. Tillman had his work day today. We were waiting on that. That was another reason why we went with Guthrie - give Tilly as much time as possible, make sure the back wasn't an issue. But he did well today. That was encouraging, kind of like what we thought. I'm glad we got him out of there after five the other night before it turned into something else." On whether he'd use a four-man rotation? "I don't think so. That hasn't been though of yet, but you may be ahead of me." On Brian Matusz: "It looks like Brian's going to make the start in Bowie, weather permitting." On Matt Wieters not starting: "It's basically a doubleheader he caught last night." On whether lineup was influenced by Bergesen's last start with Jake Fox catching? "Bergy had a good outing last time out and Jake was catching. They both worked well. That helped make it. But when I left here last night, regardless of who's pitching today, I would not have caught Matt." For the Yankees: Jeter SS Granderson CF Teixeira DH Rodriguez 3B Cano 2B Martin C Posada 1B Swisher RF Gardner LF Sabathia LHP

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