Quickly visiting the latest Fielder rumor

I'm scrambling to prep for "The Mid-Atlantic Sports Report," but I wanted to respond to the latest round of Prince Fielder rumors. Well, I didn't want to, but I figured it's better than being asked for updates as if I'm keeping secrets here. That's beyond annoying. Are the Orioles in on Fielder? They're not officially out, so it depends on your definition. There is interest in the free agent slugger, but I'm told that the Orioles haven't met with agent Scott Boras and they don't have anything scheduled. If they're given a proposal, they might entertain it. It isn't out of the realm of possibility that they sign him, but they're a long way from that point. They don't know exactly what Boras is looking for, and there are concerns about being used to drive up the price for another team. They won't shell out Albert Pujols money. If that's the price, forget about it. Executive vice president Dan Duquette and manager Buck Showalter had lunch Friday afternoon with owner Peter Angelos, but it was more of a state-of-the-team meeting heading into FanFest. The purpose wasn't to convince Angelos to spend big on Fielder. Duquette didn't quiet speculation about Fielder at FanFest when he told a gathering of season-ticket holders, "Are we going to get him? I don't know. But if we don't, we'll look for someone just like him." The Orioles won't get him if they don't know how much he's going to cost them. Or if the cost is in the Pujols range. Anyway, that's it from my end. I just want Fielder to choose a team so we can turn the page.

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