Random notes

Ty Wigginton is batting .389 during a nine-game hitting streak, including three doubles, two homers, six RBIs and five runs scored. Will he start at second base again tonight or slide over to first, with Garrett Atkins taking a seat? Atkins hasn't homered in a career-high 44 games (since Sept. 11, 2009). He hasn't homered in his last 138 at-bats, eight shy of his longest drought (146 from July 1 to Aug. 13, 2005). Orioles first basemen are last in the majors in slugging (.275), on-base percentage (.250), homers (0), runs (six) and extra-base hits (nine), and are tied with the Rangers for the lowest RBI total (11). Texas first basemen have the lowest average (.170) and fewest hits (24). Garrett-Atkins_Bench-Home-Tall.jpg Orioles leftfielders have the fewest RBIs in the majors (nine) and the 3rd-lowest average in the AL (.226). The Orioles have been held to one run five times in their last 15 games, and were shut out once. They've scored one run or fewer in 12 games this season, and two runs in six games. They've been blanked three times. Kevin Millwood threw 120 pitches in eight innings last night, the first Oriole to total that many since Jeremy Guthrie on June 2, 2008 against the Red Sox. Guthrie threw 120 in 6 1/3 innings. With a double and triple last night, Triple-A Norfolk's Michael Aubrey has hit safely in nine of his last 11 games (including five straight). He's batted .441 in those 11 games, including two homers and five RBIs, and has increased his average from .188 to ..276. Fourteen of Aubrey's 27 hits this season have gone for extra-bases - 10 doubles, one triple and three homers. Tonight's starter, Chris Tillman, has gone 3-1 with a 2.57 ERA, five walks and 26 strikeouts over his last five starts. Opposing batters are 0-for-14 against Tides closer Frank Mata when leading off an inning. For the season, Mata hasn't surrendered a run in 13 of his 16 appearances. His seven saves lead all Orioles minor leaguers and are the fifth-most in the International League. Dennis Sarfate has held opposing batters to an .071 average this season (2-for-28). The Right Side Foundation, the nonprofit organization created by Nick and Christina Markakis to assist distressed children throughout Maryland, will hold its second annual 5K Run and 1-Mile Fun Walk on Sunday, Aug. 8 at Patterson Park in Baltimore. The race will start at 6 p.m. and race day registration (and packet pick-up) will open at 4:30 p.m. in Patterson Park. Early registration cost is $25 (until June 30), pre-race registration (July 1 to Aug. 7) is $30 and walk-up registration on Aug. 8 is $35. Race packets for pre-registered participants will be available for pick-up from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Aug. 7 at the Charm City Run Store in Timonium. Awards will be given to the top three male/female finishers in the 5K, with additional awards given to male/female winners in select age categories. "We were overwhelmed by the support the event received last year from the local community and are humbled that our Foundation has been embraced so well," Nick Markakis said in a statement. "Christina and I look forward to another great event this August." For more information and to register, visit www.RightSideFoundation.org or call Charm City Run at 410-308-1870.

Contestants set for Second Annual Orioles Cook-Off
In the minors tonight

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