I just received a statement from Cal Ripken regarding the FoxSports.com story that detailed how owner Peter Angelos allegedly turned down the Hall of Famer's request to join the front office in an unspecified capacity.
Ripken was traveling with his family over the weekend and unavailable to comment until today.
The statement, sent in an e-mail, reads:
"In my baseball experience, rumors and stories seem to break when things aren't going well. Let me address recent media reports.
"First I want to say that Mr. Angelos never said that he didn't want me to get credit for any success that the club might have. That's just not true.
"I have had a very good relationship with Peter for a long time. He has been an advisor to me, a great supporter of my foundation and it is because of him that we have an Orioles affiliate in Aberdeen."
"I have met with Andy and Peter on a number of occasions to discuss many subjects. Ultimately our discussions have turned to baseball, the Orioles and me. I have enjoyed those talks very much, and yes the subject has been broached about me potentially joining the organization. I look forward to those talks continuing.
"I have been consistent in my statements about a return to baseball since my retirement in 2001. With my son Ryan approaching the end of high school in a couple of years I have been thinking more seriously about a return to the big league game. I am more excited now to explore all opportunities and find the right situation that could lead me to the next phase of my life."
Sounds like a case of he said, he said, he said, he said, he said.
The first three are Ken Rosenthal's industry sources. The fourth is Angelos, and the fifth is Ripken.
President of baseball operations Andy MacPhail hasn't commented on the story. He could make it an even half-dozen.
It appears that Ripken will get the last word here, which seems appropriate.
Minor league move: Shortstop Blake Davis was transferred from Double-A Bowie to Triple-A Norfolk despite hitting 190 (4-21) with a double and two RBIs. He played second base, third base, shortstop, left field and right field for the Baysox.

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