Showalter and Duquette on rotation, Dominican, Machado, Reimold and Fielder

The first fan forum of the day at FanFest is over. Manager Buck Showalter and Orioles executive vice president Dan Duquette were on the main stage. They addressed several topics and here are some of their answers. Showalter on the battle for rotation spots this year: "Last year, it was last man standing. Now, it's about the competition and that always brings out the best in people. Last year, we had six or seven guys competing and this year we have 11 or 12, and if you know anything about Dan I've got a feeling he's not done yet, so stay tuned." Duquette's answer when asked about signing Dominican players: "I love Dominican players. I know their value and they are fearless and like to compete. Believe me, we will have our team well-staffed with good Dominican players. Why didn't I sign any yet? Just give me more time. We will have some very good and talented Dominican players for you to come out and see and we we'll sign some young ones too that will be big-time players." Duquette was asked about Manny Machado: "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Manny needs a little bit more seasoning. Our people believe he's going to be a good, everyday major league player. He'll have a good bat and he'll hit for power. Is he going to be a shortstop? He'll decide that." Showalter was asked about starting Nolan Reimold in left field: "It's that time and Nolan knows that. He's got the health issues behind him. I got to tell you, I've got a good feeling about Nolan this year. I want him to be our left fielder. I want him to grab it and go." Duquette was asked about the Orioles chance to sign Prince Fielder: "Do you think he would look good in Camden Yards? I don't know about that one, but I do know if you have a staple in the middle of your lineup it's a lot easier. Are we going to get him? I don't know. But if we don't get him, we'll look for somebody like him and we'll certainly do our best to give you guys some stars players that you can identify with."

A few words from Duquette
As so it begins ...

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