Showalter pre-game quotes

In case you missed the sight of manager Buck Showalter's voice, here are some comments from his pregame session with the media. On adding players Thursday when rosters can expand: "I think it's got to serve a purpose, whether it be what the club needs or what the organization needs to make better decisions in the offseason. I know Andy (MacPhail) feels the same way. We've got some people in mind that fit, but things could change." On whether Jim Johnson needs to start next month to be a candidate for the rotation next season: "I'd prefer that in a perfect world. That doesn't mean he can't do it. It's not like this is a guy that's never started before. This is a different guy in a lot of ways than he was when he originally came up." On Matt Wieters' workload: "If you look at his numbers when he first got to the big leagues, then last year and this year, he's got a slow incline working there. And I'm proud of that for him. He'd be the first to tell you that there's things that he could get better at and he will, but he'll be as good as he is capable of being. As far as the workload, there's not many 6-4, 6-5 catchers out there, so you try to look at it in a different light sometimes." On whether Wieters is stronger this year: "I think so. Sometimes, we confuse weighing more with being stronger. Matt's done a good job of maintaining his weight this year. Last year, it dipped down pretty good. I've love to have that problem. Me, I can't look at a Popsicle." On Jason Berken going to Sarasota later this week: "It's been a little bit of a challenge trying to find a game for him to pitch in. We might have to set up a (simulated) game. We'll see. Hopefully, we'll get him back by the middle of the September." On what Alfredo Simon needs to carry over from his last start against the Twins: "Just the consistency. You're looking for that trust in people, that you know what you're going to get when they go out there. I could sit here and say he pitched in a pitcher-friendly park against a team that was struggling offensively, but what do you want him to do? Not do well? He did real well and he's had some outings here that were real good, but he's had some that make you wonder if a guy with his experience level is ever going to gain that consistency. He needs to take advantage of the opportunities he's getting here."

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