Showalter talks about Weaver and Tyler

I can't pack up and leave the press box without passing along manager Buck Showalter's thoughts on catching the ceremonial first pitch from Earl Weaver and watching the video tribute to Ernie Tyler, who passed away in February. "Looking at the emotion in Earl there and how much he means to the people here in Baltimore and how special the time was that he allowed us to spend with him in spring training...there's a lot of vinegar there," Showalter said. "You can tell how much the Orioles mean to him and how much he means to the Orioles. That was special for all of us for him to take the time to come out here. I know it was a challenge for him. He had his grandson with him. "I also think about Jimmy and Freddy Tyler today. It was an emotional day for them and we all shared in that emotion. Really a void here to look around and not see Ernie here." We covered a range of emotions today. Maybe that's why I'm exhausted. I'm heading home to pick up my daughter's grocery list and go through a very large pile of mail. I'll check the comments later. Thanks for sticking with me again today. And I'm including Twitter: @masnRoch

Jake Arrieta: "It's fun to be a part of this team ...
Showalter time

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