Showalter speaks after 4-1 loss

FORT MYERS, Fla. - The Orioles are going to make a few cuts later today. Stay tuned. Tommy Hunter and Zach Britton are slated to pitch again on Wednesday, giving them back-to-back appearances for the first time this spring. Left-hander Troy Patton will be eligible to pitch in his first game for the Orioles on April 29 after serving his 25-game suspension. A few pitchers will stay back in Sarasota on Saturday and throw bullpen sessions, rather than accompany the team to Norfolk for the final exhibition game. The list should include Bud Norris and Miguel Gonzalez. norris-with-glove-pitching-white-sidebar.jpgNorris made another errant throw today, though the play was scored a hit. He's one of the better fielding pitchers on the club and simply needs to slow down his clock, according to Showalter. "He should have given up what, one run maybe at the most," Showalter said, also alluding to Alexi Casilla's error at shortstop. "Was a good outing for him. Got his pitch count where he needed it to be. Got his ups where he needed to be. "Got a couple outs off the changeup and also set up a couple with the changeup. So, I like the progress with that. Now it's a matter of if he's going to carry it over into the season. "I like the spring he's had physically. He's throwing the ball well." Norris has improved his time to home plate, which was an issue last season. "The one stolen base was the slowest one of the day. Rest of them were in good shape," Showalter said. "Sort of the sequence you like to stay with the throwers or whatever, got a little wacky. But I think he understands what we ask of our pitchers." Showalter noted that he's got some tough decisions to make while finalizing the roster, especially with the bullpen, where Brad Brach retired the Twins in order in the eighth. "They're good tough," he said. "In the past, we've had last man standing. These are quality pitchers and we think if they're not here, they're going to provide depth. "I hope we don't see anybody we send down, but chances are (we will). That keeps the competition (going). Sometimes people in the big leagues don't think there's anybody behind them that can take their place. We will have those this year."

Orioles release Connor Narron, Aaron Laffey and th...
Norris on Norris (O's lose 4-1)

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