Take on Adam Jones at your own game: CareFirst Fan Challenge is back

#IChallengeAJ2015.pngGoing out on a limb here, but just guessing you can't smack a baseball as far as Adam Jones or track down a high fly ball as well as the Orioles' center fielder.

But that doesn't mean you can't beat him at your own game!

That's right: The CareFirst Fan Challenge is back, and it's time for you to challenge Jones to whatever contest you'd like! This year, entering the fan challenge is easier than ever.

Simply tweet us whatever you'd like to challenge Jones in using #IChallengeAJ. Tweets with pictures or embedded YouTube videos are highly encouraged. Show us what you think you could take him down in on Twitter, and you're entered!

Maybe you think you can out-cook him. Can you blow a bigger bubble or pie your friend in the face better than Jones? Are you better at putt-putt, video games, dancing, karaoke or cornhole? Whatever your skill is, show us!

Jones will then pick his favorite entry to go head-to-head. (And don't think he won't go down without a fight!)

For inspiration, check out some videos from CareFirst Fan Challenges of the past few years, and be sure to follow along with #IChallengeAJ. The Fan Challenge runs through Sunday, June 14 at 8 p.m. ET, so get going!

Good luck, fans. Show us, CareFirst and Jones what you're made of!

The Fan Challenge is brought to you by CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, who encourages each of us to take a step towards a more active lifestyle. For full rules, click here.

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