If I appear to be typing more slowly this morning, it's because I'm feeling a little dizzy.
I struck out at a bar last night and hit myself over the head with a beer bottle.
We're still waiting to find out which coaches, if any, will return in 2011. Each one has met with manager Buck Showalter within the past week.
"It's emotional for me," Showalter said. "You care. I'm just trying to be honest and sincere and paint a picture of what the timeframe is and what we're thinking."
Do the coaches know which direction Showalter is leaning?
"No," he replied. "They have an idea of one, how much I've appreciated them and thanked them, and the idea that we're going to try to bring it together as soon as we can, in fairness to them and their families.
"I'm going to do what's best for the Orioles, and we're also going to keep in mind where they are in their lives. I've been in their shoes. It's no reflection on them. I can see why their work was coveted here."
During the final homestand, Showalter indicated that it would be days, not weeks, before decisions were made. That's as close as he's come to providing a firm date.
"I'm not going to set any...there's a lot of chairs moving around right now," he said. "I just want to make sure that we have the chairs filled with the people that we want and that, who doesn't, has a chance to be someone who has a chair."
According to Showalter, none of the coaches indicated that they'd rather move on to another organization.
"I'm going to tell you, they're good baseball people," he said, "and there will be people who covet them."
Reading between the lines in those last two quotes, it doesn't sound like the staff will remain intact, but it's a guessing game. And as you know, I've never been real comfortable playing it when jobs are on the line.
You've heard the speculation regarding Brian Butterfield, Don Wakamatsu and Mark Connor, but that's all it is right now. Pure speculation.
It's true that Showalter and president of baseball operations Andy MacPhail would like to bring more former Orioles into the mix, in whatever capacity.
Brady Anderson met with Showalter again yesterday, though it appeared to be an informal session. Anderson has been a regular presence at the ballpark, working out in the weight room and visiting with players at their lockers later in the season. B.J. Surhoff spent a lot of time at Camden Yards this season, watching games in one of the third-level booths above the press box. I also saw Mike Bordick more often than anticipated after the Orioles hired him as a minor league instructor.
Stay tuned.

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