A pre-spring training edition: 10 questions for O's fans

It is time again to survey Birdland on a variety of Orioles topics. It is time for another edition of "10 questions for O's fans." If you've been keeping up, we've done this once every month this offseason, but I somehow let January get by without doing so. My brain must have been impacted by the cold. Or I was distracted by the Dan Duquette rumors. Or I was trying to figure out if you can deflate a baseball. I don't know, it could have been all of the above. Anyway, if you are somewhat new here, I throw out a bunch of questions and get your answers. Answer one question, two, three or all 10. Provide a one- or two-word answer or one that is longer. It is completely your choice. Please put the question number before your answer as it is easier to keep it straight that way. No need to repeat the question in your responses. On to the questions: 1) Rank these players from which will get the most to least at-bats this year: Travis Snider, David Lough, Alejandro De Aza, Steve Pearce, Delmon Young. 2) How many homers will Jonathan Schoop hit? 3) If you believe Dylan Bundy has a chance to make the roster this year, on which date do you think he gets his call-up? 4) Who will lead the Orioles in stolen bases? 5) Right now, the Orioles have six starting rotation candidates for five spots. How will this get resolved by opening day? 6) J.J. Hardy has hit 30, 22, 25 and nine homers in his four seasons in Baltimore. How many will he hit in 2015? 7) Which prospect will most impact the Orioles in 2015? 8) Will any Orioles get traded in July at or near the trade deadline, and which players are most likely to get moved? 9) Adam Jones, Nelson Cruz and Matt Wieters were O's All-Stars last year. Which players will be All-Stars this season? 10) Who will lead the O's minor leaguers in home runs?

Nats say Potomac's stadium in good shape, top pros...
This, that and the other

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