Adam Jones offers opinion on Nick Markakis' comments

SARASOTA, Fla. - Center fielder Adam Jones was surrounded by media at his locker this morning, everyone wanting his reaction to former teammate Nick Markakis' comments about the Orioles yesterday that appeared in a USA TODAY article.

Markakis vented about how the Orioles handled his negotiations this winter, accusing them of withholding the truth about their concerns over the MRI on his neck, which later required surgery to remove a herniated disc and fuse vertebrae.

"Don't believe a word they say," Markakis said. "It was all because of my neck. They can say what they want to make them look good. It's all B.S. But things work out the way they do for a reason, right?"

Markakis underwent surgery on Dec. 17 after signing a four-year, $44 million deal with the Braves. The Orioles had a four-year offer on the table, but they reduced it to three years after noting the changes in his most recent MRI. They knew he was going to require a surgical procedure.

"I know what's going on, I know the truth," said Jones, who remains close to Markakis. "It's a move he made for himself. I never fault him for it.

jones-markakis-sidebar.png"I talk to him all the time. I talk to him a couple times a week. I talked to him yesterday. It's not my situation, it's his situation with the Orioles. I'm not going to take anbody's side. I wasn't involved with it, so I really don't have an opinion with it."

Told that executive vice president Dan Duquette is quoted in the article saying that the club had concerns about the disc repair, Jones replied, "Now you want to say it two months later. Let's say it when everybody's wanting to know right then and now. But it always comes out later. That's just how this game is.

"Oh well, we've got to defend the East. Markakis is over in Atlanta trying to win the NL East. Hopefully, we see each other at the end."

Markakis played with this condition for the past two seasons.

"He never disclosed anything to anybody. He just goes out and plays," Jones said.

"Check all 750 players. Something hurts. Something is not normal. If that's the real reason why he's not here, I hope somebody can man up and say it as opposed to beating around the bush.

"He moved on. He understands the business and he moved on. He completely gets it. No hard feelings.

"I'm glad he said something because he never says anything. I'm glad he said something. He should say something. He has a lot on his mind. Very articulate man, very smart man. He doesn't say much, but when he does people listen, and he's got peoples attention. That's why you all are in front of me now."

I'm surprised that it has become such a big story, considering that the local media ran quotes from Duquette about the club's concerns over Markakis' physical condition. Initially, Duquette alluded to issues without revealing the MRI results due to the HIPAA Law. I also was told over the winter that the Orioles didn't want to hurt his negotiations.

You actually could argue that the Orioles tried to do him a favor, but Markakis clearly has a different opinion.

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