As O's fans settle into the heart of the baseball season, June promises a handful of Orioles player appearances in and around Baltimore.
Catch former Oriole Larry Sheets at Hightopps Backstage Grille on York Road in Timonium for an O's Alumni MASN Viewing Party on Wednesday, June 2. Sheets will sign autographs and meet with fans from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. So don't miss a great chance to gather with your fellow Orioles fans (and Larry Sheets!) to watch the O's take on the Yankees June 2 at Hightopps in Timonium.
Just a week later, O's fans will be able to find catcher Craig Tatum signing autographs and meeting with fans at the Orioles Official Team Store in York, Pa. Tatum will be at the Orioles store in the York Galleria Mall from noon to 1:00 p.m. that Wednesday, June 9.
Following Tatum's appearance in York, Pa., O's fans won't have to wait long for yet another Orioles player appearance in the area. Meet potential 2010 All-Star Ty Wigginton at the Wendy's on 1589 West Nursery Road in Linthicum, Md., on Thursday, June 10. Wigginton will sign autographs and meet with fans from noon to 1:00 p.m.
And finally, the next Orioles ESPN Zone Q&A is scheduled for Wednesday, June 23, also from noon to 1:00 p.m. The O's and ESPN Zone haven't announced which Oriole will answer to fans and an O's broadcaster on June 23, but check back here to the Orioles Buzz for that info as soon as it becomes available.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone, and don't forget to check in on Monday for another 'Where in the Yard?' photo challenge here in the Orioles Buzz.

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