David Lough and Adam Jones comment after comeback win over Boston

It has been an eventful, and at times, strange night in and around Baltimore. With protests going on in the city, the Orioles played a baseball game at home and turned what looked like a devastating loss into a remarkable victory.

It was kind of surreal at times, and late in the game, an announcement was made asking fans to stay in the ballpark after the game. Later, fans were told they could leave the ballpark.

But most of the 37,359 stayed around long enough to see the O's lose a 3-2 lead in the ninth, fall behind 4-3 in the tenth and then win it 5-4 in the last of the 10th.

It was one wild game that ended the Orioles' five-game losing streak.

In the last of the 10th against Koji Uehara, Adam Jones led off with a triple and scored the tie run on a Chris Davis sac fly to make it 4-4.

David Lough orange walks off Red Sox.pngThen, an unlikely hero emerged. David Lough hit a full-count pitch over the right field wall for his first career walk-off homer and 10th career homer in 557 at-bats.

"Huge. Huge," Lough said. "For them to do it to us yesterday and to kind of retaliate and do it to them feels good. We battled the whole game and ended up winning. Strange. .... But you have to keep grinding away."

What was his approach in that at-bat?

"I just wanted to put together a good at-bat," he said. "He likes to throw that splitter a lot, so just wanted to have a good at-bat, maybe draw a walk or whatever. Then I got to 3-2 and he ended up throwing me one over the plate where I got a good piece of wood on it.

"It's huge. I'm a team-first guy and have always been that way. Good to get the win and see the smile on the guys' faces. Hopefully that happens on a regular basis from here on out and we can keep rolling."

Jones talked about the comeback victory and ending the losing streak.

"Much-needed win. Big-time win," Jones said. "This team is resilient. We put it all on the line and live with the results.

jones-catch-white-farleft-sidebar.jpg"(Lough) needed that. The whole team needed it, but the individual needed it. I'm glad he was in the situation. Started the season on the DL and hasn't been playing a lot, but got an opportunity and rode with it.

"Now just come back tomorrow and bring that fire and bring that energy we had the last couple of innings."

Jones was asked about the protesting going on in Baltimore while the game continued at Camden Yards. In the clubhouse after the game, players were watching local television coverage of the protest.

"It's mixed," Jones said. "I understand they are fighting for a good cause. Just want people to be safe. I don't like people getting hurt. Fight for your rights. That is what you should do, but try to be safe and be smart about it.

"It is not about what I do in the city. It can happen in any city. Just want people to be safe during this issue. It's a tough issue. Stay safe and stay smart. Protest, but let's not damage our own city."

A few other clubhouse quotes:

Davis on the win: "This was a big win for us, especially after the way (Wei-Yin) Chen threw the ball tonight. Thought he did a great job of mixing it up and keeping those guys off balance."

Davis, on whether he was looking to hit a ball for a potential sac fly: "Absolutely. Especially off a guy like Koji, trying to see the ball up out over the plate. Just get something I can drive to the outfield to where Jonesy can score."

Chen on his outing: "Compared to my last outing, I think my command got better. I made an adjustment, and it worked out pretty well today. In the previous outings, I wasted too many pitches and could not go this deep in the game. It was very important for me to go deep in the game and feel like the manager was trusting me to let me out there pitching."

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