Domenic Vadala: Playing roster roulette with the Orioles

Barring a trade or injury, the Orioles are probably going to have to risk losing at least one player this week by designating them for assignment. If they opt not to option Jonathan Schoop to the minors to continue his rehab, they'll potentially have to DFA a second player at some point. This is never easy, both from a personal and a business standpoint. The last thing that any team wants is a guy that's literally on their payroll and playing for someone else.

Having said that, the time is long past for Kevin Gausman to be a semi-permanent member of the starting rotation. I recognize that teams have their reasons for toying with players, reasons that are often unbeknownst to people on the outside. However, from my standpoint I think that Gausman has gone up and done enough. Some might disagree, but that's just where I stand.

The plan now appears to be to bring Gausman up once again to make the start tomorrow against Texas. However, Buck Showalter has indicated that he might be sent right back down to the minors. Again, I would submit that this is counter-productive for Gausman's development. So is there possibly an alternative?

As I said, the O's are probably going to have to risk losing someone this week. Again, that's not a given because someone could land on the DL or be traded, but it's a distinct probability. So my idea would be to DFA someone like Delmon Young, Steve Pearce, David Lough or Travis Snider. That creates a roster spot for Gausman, and it then allows the O's to fill the seventh slot in their bullpen with Bud Norris.

We've all chronicled Norris' struggles this year. It's easier to justify designating a utility guy for assignment than a starting pitcher. First off, the salary implications are going to be less if the Orioles end up losing the player. However, starting pitching is so hard to come by, and thus the last thing that a team wants is one of its former starters playing against them - all while they're footing the bill.

If I'm to believe my Twitter feed, the O's could simply DFA Norris and all would be better. But that can't happen, for the very reason that I laid out above. The only benefit might be that it might be easier to work out a trade involving a pitcher than it would be a fielder, however it's far too risky for the Orioles to do that with a guy like Norris.

There are also those who are going to say that it's pointless to have Norris in the 'pen if he can't throw strikes. That might be true, but keep in mind that a lot of guys end up finding themselves out in the bullpen. Look at Tommy Hunter, for instance. Norris could end up along the same trek, and sometimes that type of change of pace can be just enough for a guy to find his way.

More importantly, that would allow Gausman to stay in Baltimore as opposed to going back down. We've seen him become a mainstay in the Triple-A Norfolk rotation, as well as in the bullpen in Baltimore. The reason he was drafted was to be a starting pitcher; it's time that the Orioles give him that opportunity. They certainly need to be patient in that he'll struggle here and there, but his time is now.

Perhaps you're wondering what that would do to the Orioles' depth in the outfield (regardless of who the DFA player is). Well keep in mind that Showalter and Dan Duquette are roster geniuses. Perhaps there's been a method to the madness of Chris Davis playing the outfield the past few days. Ryan Flaherty is also a guy who's spent some time in the outfield. So the O's have depth in that area as it stands right now.

Also keep in mind that there's a lot that can happen between now and tomorrow evening. An injury or a trade could go down. Duquette has been trying to swing a trade for some time, however other teams are aware of the Orioles' plight. Why trade for a guy when they might get him for free in a few days? Regardless of what happens, you can guarantee that it'll be in the Orioles' best interests with Duquette and Showalter in charge.

Domenic Vadala blogs about the Orioles at Birds Watcher, and his opinions appear here as part of's season-long initiative of welcoming guest bloggers to our pages. Follow him on Twitter: @DomenicVadala. All opinions expressed are those of the guest bloggers, who are not employed by but are just as passionate about their baseball as our roster of writers.

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